This is the tenth (or X) in a running series of JON GRUDEN threads in the Tennessee Coaching RUMORS and SPECULATION forum. Did you not willingly venture into this forum and thread, knowing that RUMORS and SPECULATION about JON GRUDEN would be discussed ad nauseum? If you aren't in this thread because you believe that JON GRUDEN may be the next HC of the Tennessee Volunteers, then why are you in here? If you don't think that JON GRUDEN will be the next HC, then why bother stopping by this thread?
It seems to me that there are four subgroups of people in here:
1) The OG's- I don't know all of them by name, but the primary group of 5-8 have been unwavering from the get go. They don't twist arms, or say "Hey, look at me!" or anything else of that nature. They will (or have) called a troll a troll when it was readily obvious, and have offered evidence/opinion when it wasn't so obvious. Seem to be good guys who are only trying to share what info they gather, and they've stated they'll be here to eat crow, should Gruden not come to UT.
2) Grudenites- Covers most of the others that have frequented this thread, myself included. There are varying levels of Grudenite, from the hardcore (Gruden or Die) to the casual fan who feels that Gruden would be a great HC for UT and they hope he takes the job, but life will go on if he doesn't. No need to bash anyone for feeling however they feel about this, because we all have the capacity of developing our own opinions and reaching our own conclusions, and it should have ZERO impact on you or me.
3) Trolls-They come in and deliberately spread false and/or misleading information. Many of these are apparent on the surface. Some take a little more inspection to identify. Some are merely a nuisance. Others (danomite, SterlingPearling (sp?)) are attention whores and should be banned for espousing their posts as truth once they've been proven as being much less than truth. However, all trolls, through their posts, cast doubt upon the credibility of all information within the thread, thus casting doubt on the poster (OG) of said information. The OG's probably get tired of having to constantly defend their position over and over, which again, HAS NOT CHANGED!
4) Sh*t Stirrers- It seems an appropriate moniker. You don't contribute anything (positive or rebuttal opinion/evidence) to the thread. You don't really seem to care if Gruden winds up being the coach or not. Change out Gruden with Stoops, Fisher, Strong,..... whoever, it wouldn't matter. You'd still be here sticking out your chest, telling everyone how wrong they are. Maybe some mod could make you folks an Official Not Jon Gruden Thread and you could just attack each other all day. May the most self-important poster win.
In short, if RUMORS and SPECULATION about JON GRUDEN maybe becoming the next Head Coach of the Tennessee Volunteers isn't something that catches your interest (meaning that you want to read it and form an opinion), and/or you don't have anything (truths, rebuttals to reported truths, or civil conversation) to actually contribute to the thread, do us all a favor and just carry on with your life, as we will ours.
Flame away.