I read the posts here and think "thank goodness" people on this board aren't negotiating contracts. Most of what I read is either "give him whatever he wants" (which actually garners no respect for our program) to "all is lost" (which is ridiculous). The balance of this size deal has to have the right numbers as well as balance....Gruden, University, Boosters, the ADept and Director. This whole thing needs to be done right. One guy bails on us now or even in a few years, and we might not have any outs or options.
This is a close range knife fight right now.. Someone made the point yesterday about going to buy a car and fiercely negotiating. This may be one of those "holdup" deals. What do we know about CJG.... Intense, determined, he likes to be in control and he likes to win. If the guy wasn't in interested in coming, he wouldn't be at the table.
You think he's gonna move to Philly now? Or San Diego? This is a dream opportunity for him and his family and he knows it. Taxes in Tennnessee...NOTHING.... Cost of living....HALF that of San Diego or Philly..or most other towns offering HC jobs.
Patience. Everyone understands the dynamic of what Tennessee fb could be, what Gruden could do, and where our program is right now. Gruden would lie to coach again, Hart definitely wnts to keep his job...
Just breathe deep and Keep saying..,"Haslam" .... Over and over again.