Was there ever much discussion about JG's ESPN contract possibly causing the hold up?
I just started thinking that:
1) There are 4 MNF games left this season
2) He gets paid 4.3 mil/yr to do MNF (16 games)
3) 4/16 = .25 * 4.3 mil = $1.075 mil
I think maybe the ship has sailed with JG, but this gives me pause.
This is a great theory and fits into what I was speculating earlier. I'm primarily an NFL guy, and I know that most payments in the NFL (at least for players, so I'd assume coaches as well) work on a by-game basis. If you're suspended for 3 games, you miss 3 paychecks.
It wouldn't be crazy to assume that broadcasters covering the NFL's contracts are worded with similar language. It also wouldn't be crazy to assume that Gruden's ESPN contract has some language written into it that his payments would be voided if he was under any other high-profile employment.
Now- folks could easily argue "well then why doesn't he just announce he'll be signing after the last MNF payment, or the AD at least let everyone know we have our guy." And that is a good argument, however, couldn't lawyers prove such a scenario was a case of tampering and undermining the good-faith intentions of a employers contract? Maybe, maybe not. It might not stick, but it's something that (if ESPN didn't want him to go) would at least muddy up his name, cost money out of his pocket to defend, and totally burn a bridge with them for any future employment opportunities. Also, people often speculate that his current ESPN contract (probably) states he can leave for a head coaching job in the NFL. Can that be verified? Doubtful. Also, even if that is the case, our job is not an NFL job and as specific as high-end contracts are worded, I'm sure there's a definite difference between the two in whatever he signed.
It's starting to make sense, this crazy narrative I'm writing in my head, that is. Again, the more I think about this, the more I'm confident in my theory being somewhere close to the truth. 1.1 million dollars and not getting burdened with a potential ESPN smear-campaign/legal drama is well, well worth postponing an official decision for a few more weeks.
I may need to look into this tinfoil hat thing :thumbsup: