Official Jon Gruden Thread XLVIII

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I agree. Plus, they're the spawn of satan.


I don’t want to sound like a jerk but remember Smokin’ Bob was having to put her beloved cat of 17years down today.

Maybe we could start kicking clowns? I hate those things.
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3-9 at Baylor at his best. And facing a brutal schedule next year.

A Steele-led 2018 team is going 3-9 at best.

Championships my ass.
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Twitter rumors are Steele as HC. Nothing official yet. But it’s on the tip of everyone’s tongue right now. Scrolling through my newsfeed all I see is Steele.
I'm struggling why everyone says give Peyton his moment first. The induction was this morning. Over and done with. Tonight is only a dinner.
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I think some of you vastly overestimate what this program is right now. Not was it has been or what can be again, but what it is currently.They can throw money at whoever they want give control give big assistant money, this isn't about not giving coaches what they want.

Why would any good coach come to this program with it's perceived (some of it warranted) instability within the AD, the worst year it's ever had, and the amount of time and work it will take to get it back on track.
This kind of hire is almost mandatory it UT wants to get back where it needs to be. The Vols have to be built back up unfortunately. I hate it just as much as anyone else, but it's a very real situation.

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Hiring Kevin Steele would be even worse than hiring Derek Dooley or Butch Jones. Only UT could do worse than the worst two hires in its history.
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