Official Jon Gruden Thread XLVIII

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Getting crazy as zero hour approaches ...
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And, I’m back in. Holy crap, just when I thought I was out.


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This could mean SO many things.

I’m thinking this one is him trying to give us an idea of who he is because I do know he’ll be there tonight.


Does this mean someone’s getting ready for an interview?


Does it mean to get ready?

You don’t wear a black tie to an interview.

You wear it for a formal celebration, like an evening wedding.
I will be back for the leak party. Just remember, I would ASSuME Fulmer and co would want to tell the team before official announcement. My opinion would be tomorrow.
People with the cryptic messages about JG don't care about UT. They're up there with the likes of Peyton and the Haslam family. They try to feed their own ego so that people will listen to them and 'like' their posts. If they truly cared about UT and her future, they would come out and actually say something - same as JG. He doesn't care about us at all. He trolls because he likes the attention.

If I'm wrong I'll gladly eat crow when he steps up to the podium...but, I'm not wrong.

Nov. 8, 2016 makes a lot more sense when I see there are still people who are gullible enough to believe he actually cares about UT enough to come.

I was 100% Gruden before, but now, after seeing how he's trolled us (not being cryptic, TROLLED), I see the light.

Come on in boys, the water is fine.
but your standing in a sewer drain..
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