Official "My team sucks more than your team" thread

Scores The Last 5 Or So Years:

UT - Not Enough

Damn Near Every Other Team- A Whole Lot More

We Win At Sucking.
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I wish I could honestly think we had a chance but I would only be kidding myself based on Saturdays debacle vs the Ducks (stadium capacity 57,000 :lolabove:).
Seems like we both limp into this game convinced that our pathetic QB play means that we are doomed. We can't both be right.

While I recognize that Florida's defense should, on paper, be the difference, I am very worried that the team is about to turn on Driskel, if it hasn't already, and that Florida is one idiotic turnover away from just abandoning all hope, ye who enter.

Add to that the general malaise surrounding this program that was excited to be on the scene just a few years ago, the Mushcamp to Texas speculation, and the lack of any promise in the offensive future, and I get this eerie sense of UF not showing up for this game. Especially if, as I say, there's an early turnover by Driskel.

I promise you this: If he does throw an early pick, the crowd is not going to be supportive.

Watching this game could be a "watching paint dry" experience. I fear that the Florida D will be the difference.
What we need to do is abandon the pass completely. Put Pig and Lane in the backfield and just run some sort of option bs all game. Like 4 different plays, that's it. Isn't that how KY beat us?
I'm as much of a realist as anyone and know we have a long way to go, but come on people... You get mad and rant about how you think the team decided to lay down. This thread alone indicates a fan base laying down if I've ever seen it. I think our offense needs to change an it just might. I hope our defense improves. And the key word is hope. Something fans must have no matter how long we've waited and suffered. We all have our times when we get mad, but don't abandon ship. Be able to proudly say you never quit on them when we get back to where we should be.

I know. Sunshine pumper award. I got as mad as anyone with that embarrassment and ranted, but when it comes down to it we're 0-0 in the sec and it's time to move forward.
Seems like we both limp into this game convinced that our pathetic QB play means that we are doomed. We can't both be right.

While I recognize that Florida's defense should, on paper, be the difference, I am very worried that the team is about to turn on Driskel, if it hasn't already, and that Florida is one idiotic turnover away from just abandoning all hope, ye who enter.

Add to that the general malaise surrounding this program that was excited to be on the scene just a few years ago, the Mushcamp to Texas speculation, and the lack of any promise in the offensive future, and I get this eerie sense of UF not showing up for this game. Especially if, as I say, there's an early turnover by Driskel.

I promise you this: If he does throw an early pick, the crowd is not going to be supportive.

UF could not show up and still win this game. Surely that offense can muster 10-13 points because that will be more than enough to win.
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Florida wins this game by 27ish. It might be close mathematically for a half but by the final whistle, the stats will demonstrate the true nature of the domination.

On a separate note, it's kinda strange to see UF fans on a UT forum complaining about losing (1) game. Y'all were 11-2 last year. Quit complaining...
Florida wins this game by 27ish. It might be close mathematically for a half but by the final whistle, the stats will demonstrate the true nature of the domination.

On a separate note, it's kinda strange to see UF fans on a UT forum complaining about losing (1) game. Y'all were 11-2 last year. Quit complaining...

That's exactly why I don't get UT fans saying UT has a terrible fanbase.

Maybe we are terrible, I don't know. But we are the best masochists. That's why we still cheer for UT after a bad SEC and overall record and especially a horrendous margin of defeat over the last 4 years.

I live in Alabama and I think I'm going to punch one of these bandwagoning idiots if I hear another complaint about their first 2 games. They're actually complaining that they didn't dominate every statline and win by 30.
I hope to see more of Muschamp getting angry.

[youtube] [/youtube]


If another man ever looked at me and talked to me like that, I'd likely kill him. :machgun:

JK..... kinda
On a somewhat quick glance at this thread, if I understand things correctly, the New York Athletic Club has already invited Driskell and Burton to NY for the Heisman Trophy announcement, correct?
On a separate note, it's kinda strange to see UF fans on a UT forum complaining about losing (1) game. Y'all were 11-2 last year. Quit complaining...

You don't know Florida fans, very well. Every freshman since 1951 has had to take a 6 week orientation class on how to whine and complain about some aspect of UF foosball. See e.g. "Yeah, we won some national championships ... but we haven't done it undefeated."

While we are our team's own worst critics, the simple fact is that for some bizarro, can't explain it at the Loch Ness Monster level, UF has not had a passing quarterback since Wuerfell. Its just inexplicable that a top flight passing QB does not want to come here.
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You don't know Florida fans, very well. Every freshman since 1951 has had to take a 6 week orientation class on how to whine and complain about some aspect of UF foosball. See e.g. "Yeah, we won some national championships ... but we haven't done it undefeated."

While we are our team's own worst critics, the simple fact is that for some bizarro, can't explain it at the Loch Ness Monster level, UF has not had a passing quarterback since Wuerfell. Its just inexplicable that a top flight passing QB does not want to come here.

hey lawgaytor, i tried to get your opinion of muschamp leaving to texas if Brown is fired, but the mods are deleting my threads for some reason, what is your opinion? does muschamp take the texas job?
On a somewhat quick glance at this thread, if I understand things correctly, the New York Athletic Club has already invited Driskell and Burton to NY for the Heisman Trophy announcement, correct?

that usually happens immediately after the UT game
It doesn't matter. I get my hopes up every year only for it to end the same way. I now realize the pain and torment UK football fans go through year in and year out, except for that debacle in 2011.

Anyways.... UF will somehow someway win, as per usual.
hey lawgaytor, i tried to get your opinion of muschamp leaving to texas if Brown is fired, but the mods are deleting my threads for some reason, what is your opinion? does muschamp take the texas job?

In a nutshell I have no idea.

My own personal opinion is that I like what he is doing defensively -- who wouldn't? But it sure does seem that recruiting on the other side of the ball is not nearly as good as on D, and I just find that so odd. A true freshman with a decent arm and a quick head on his shoulders could surely have been - correctly -- recruited on the theory that he would play some downs this year and could be a draw over the next several years for some WRs.
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