You're saying the American public (I don't use the term we loosely) isn't worn thin?
Ok, I took it as, let's stay in because we have a good military. I thought you were falling into the same trap every over-jingoistic American did, without realizing that the situation isn't a militaristic one, but a political one. I take my sarcasm back.
If they are it is because they keep their faces stuck in front of a TV that for the most part spews out slanted views on the situation. How can the average american be worn thin on this? As an average citizen I can say that I have donated nothing to this war, so how can it have worn me out? I don't think the general population has had to make any real sacrifices in a war since WW2.
If they are it is because they keep their faces stuck in front of a TV that for the most part spews out slanted views on the situation. How can the average american be worn thin on this? As an average citizen I can say that I have donated nothing to this war, so how can it have worn me out? I don't think the general population has had to make any real sacrifices in a war since WW2.
We have the most deployable military in the WORLD. We may not be the best on the ground though in the area of the world we are in though. These people have been fighting these wars over there for a LONG time and fighting a civilian war is the most difficult thing you could do. The thing that makes the other side able to do what they do is the fact they don't care who they kill. Its crazy to think we would stalemate the ground war, but that's what is happening and will happen unless we start showing NO MERCY. We won't do that though because America would be the bad guy for that, even though that is the persona we have now.
I want them to have their freedom, but even if they get it do you think Christians will be able to practice their religion freely?? So it will be a free Muslim country with Christians still living in fear.
So very true. We are a generation of wusses so to speak. If things don't go our way then we just turn around and leave.
My patience in my government is what is wearing thin. Just because the financial losses aren't tangible, and the complete mishandling of the situation isn't either, the war still affects us, especially in the wallet concerning gas. Our public schools are a mess, we have immigration issues, and there are other more significant threats in the world (along with so many other issues), and we are wasting our time, money, and citizens in an area that will never bring fruition unless we commit ourselves for the next decade at least.
Just because I'm not fighting, doesn't mean I don't have any say in the situation.
I'd say the government is being worn thin, thus causing the public to become worn.
The war's finances are directly related to gas prices and education. The military presence alone is a major factor in OPEC's steadily increasing cost of barrels of oil. And where do you think the billions are coming from to fund the war. Cutbacks on domestic issues, especially education. The United States has a lot to worry about, and putting all of our eggs in one basket overseas is going to eventually cost us at home. Count on that.
Sorry, but homeschooling?
First of all, you have the time? Second of all, the social impact on your child will be overt by the time they hit puberty. For their sake, send them to school and let them have a normal childhood.
I never said anything about home schooling. IF, I let me child go to public school the amount of funding they have is not an issue to me. Regardless of where she attends, her being educated will be up to her mother and I. Yes, I actually have time to educate the person I decided to bring into this world.
Sorry, but most people don't have the money to retire to become a homeschooling teacher. I'd rather work to give my child a more than comfortable life, so they can go to private school instead of thinking that your influence will really counteract the terrible education they would currently be getting.
Sorry, but most people don't have the money to retire to become a homeschooling teacher. I'd rather work to give my child a more than comfortable life, so they can go to private school instead of thinking that your influence will really counteract the terrible education they would currently be getting.