Official South Park Fanclub Thread

Randy was great in the Volcano episode as well. The baseball episode where he was fighting all the dads was hilarious too.
Randy was great in the Volcano episode as well. The baseball episode where he was fighting all the dads was hilarious too.

Im sorry, im sorry, I thought this was America!

The last one is the best episode in along time. I will have to catch the one tonight on the replay.
I was reading somewhere that the troops forced Saddam Hussein to watch South Park episodes after he was captured and he ended up liking the show. Matt and Trey ended up getting a autographed picture of Saddam before he was executed.. wierd..
Watched the fishsticks episode last night. I LOLd. also saw the Queef Sisters episode. also made me LOL.
Last night I watched the episode where Jimmy competes in the Special Olympics and uses steroids, and Cartman acts retarded so he can compete for the $1,000 prize. Good stuff.
Best scene ever on SP goes as follows..

Cartman: [inspecting Scott Tenorman's chili dish] Huh, this chili looks pretty good. Weh, here's mine.
[hands his chili dish to Scott, who starts eating it]
Scott Tenorman: Mmm. Ah, I don't know. Your chili is pretty good, Cartman, but I think mine is better. Try it.
Cartman: All right.
[takes the dish and starts eating. Both boys munch away for a few moments]
Cartman: Hey, this is great!
[Stan and Kyle stifle giggles]
Scott Tenorman: Eh, it's a special recipe.
Cartman: Gawh, this is really good, Scott!
Scott Tenorman: I'm glad you like it so much, because now that you're almost finished, I have something to tell you.
Cartman: What? You mean about how you put pubes in your chili?
Scott Tenorman: What?
Cartman: Yes, I'm afraid this isn't your chili, Scott. I switched it with Chef's.
[turns to Chef]
Cartman: It's delicious, Chef. I hadn't planned on that. What I did plan on, however, was that my friends, Stan and Kyle, would betray me and warn you that the Chili Con Carnival was a trap.
[Stan and Kyle are stunned]
Cartman: I assumed that they would tell you that I had trained Denkins' pony to bite off your weiner. What they didn't tell you was that Denkins is a crazy redneck who shoots trespassers on sight. Knowing that you would try and do something to the pony, I warned Mr. Denkins that violent pony killers were in the area. I also knew that you wouldn't go yourself, for fear of having your weiner bitten off. You would most likely send your parents. And, I'm afraid that when Mr. Denkins spotted them on his property, he shot and killed both your parents.
Mr. Denkins: Well, they was trespassin' and I was protectin' myself. I, I have my rights!
Scott Tenorman: My... mom and dad are... dead?
Cartman: I came just in time to see Mr. Denkins giving his report to Officer Barbrady. And of course, to steal the bodies. After a night with the hacksaw, I was all ready to put on my Chili Con Carnival, so that I could tell you personally about your parents' demise! And of course, feed you your chili. Do you like it? Do you like it, Scott? I call it, "Mr. & Mrs. Tenorman Chili."
Scott Tenorman: [looks at Cartman for a while, realizing what just happened.] Oh, my God!
[gagging, he fishes through the plate and finds his mom's wedding ring, still on her finger. He tosses it away]
Scott Tenorman: Oh, my God!
[vomits off to the side]
Cartman: [leaps up on the table and sings] Nyahnyahnyahnyah nyah nyah! I made you eat your parents! Nyahnyahnyahnyah nyah nyah!
Stan: Jesus Christ, dude!
Scott Tenorman: [grief-stricken, he buries his face on the table] My mom and dad are dead!
[he pounds the table.]
Scott Tenorman: No! Nooo!
<hr width="30%"> [as Scott Tenorman cries after realizing he ate his parents in a bowl of chili, Radiohead arrive at the scene]
Thom Yorke: Uhm, excuse me?
Stan: Who are you?
Jonny Greenwood: We're that band Radiohead.
Scott Tenorman: [raises his head.] Jesus!
Ed O'Brien: Jeez, what a li'l crybaby!
Colin Greenwood: Are you gonna cry all day, crybaby?
Thom Yorke: You know, everyone has problems; it doesn't mean you have to be a little crybaby about it.
Ed O'Brien: Come on, guys, let's go. This kid is totally not cool.
Thom Yorke: Yeah, that's the most uncool kid I've ever met.
Phil Selway: Little crybaby!
[Radiohead leave the scene]
Scott Tenorman: No, wait! Waaiittt!! Oh, my God, Oh, my Gaawwwd!!
[buries his face on the table]
Cartman: [walks over to Scott's end of the table] Yes! Yesss! Oh, let me taste your tears, Scott!
[starts licking Scott's tears off his face]
Cartman: Mm, your tears are so yummy and sweet!
Kyle: Dude, I think it might be best for us to never piss Cartman off again.
Stan: Good call.
Cartman: Oh, the tears of unfathomable sadness! My-yummy!
[licks the tears off the table and off Scott's face]
Cartman: Mm-yummy, you guys!
[screen closes to Looney Tunes-style splash]
Cartman: Yuppitibut, that's all, folks!

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