Official South Park Fanclub Thread

Did you know that when one little panda pulls on another little panda's underwear, that's sexual harassment? That makes me a sa-a-a-a-ad panda.......
Can't forget the episode Raisins

last new episode tonight before they take a break and cut the season in half. something to do with cartman going to somalia to be a pirate......:eek:hmy:
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I think Season 7 was one of the best in retrospect. Fat butt and pancake head, Casa Bonita, Raisins, Cancelled. Great season. Some of my favorite episodes were that season.
Awesome. Can't wait. I'm watching Imaginationland right now. You got me going on the 11th season.
Awesome. Can't wait. I'm watching Imaginationland right now. You got me going on the 11th season.

Its better the second time around. Im pretty sure if you look at the SP seasons for the most part the odd numbered seasons are better than then even numbered ones. For example season 12 was horrible, this year has been good so far.
Its better the second time around. Im pretty sure if you look at the SP seasons for the most part the odd numbered seasons are better than then even numbered ones. For example season 12 was horrible, this year has been good so far.

This year has been good. I've seen Imaginationland like 3 times. It's better than I remember.

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