Official Vols vs Memphis game thread

I take it back FakeTiger4lif3- you've got the ability to invent things "out of the blue" (as in not true-Blue). You're probably just barely passing remedial English at UM after all- but are taking advantage of the cheap scrips doled out by the student health service.

Have you gotten to the part about your (x) and the closet with the free counselor yet?

Sorry to disappoint you, but not only am I not an SF geek, but I'm probably the only member of this board who ever won a Junior Olympic Gold Medal.

Stop embarrassing the Tigers you poor, poor pitiful example of our tolerance.
What's Pearl's record when leading with 5 minutes to go again? So we've got 5 minutes to keep this up and then the percentages are drastically in our favor. haha

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