Posted a gif in Official women of bye week just a little while ago that may be borderline. I can't figure out how to delete it. Please delete if necessary! Posted before I noticed the new rule. Don't want to be suspended! Thanks
I support you 100%, Freak.. thanks for letting them have their own world of exploiting women.. I pray no young ones venture to the pub and see that but then you are the boss !
GO BIG ORANGE ... :rock:
Hopefully, what we will see in the pub are tasteful pics of admiration rather than anything that would be described as exploitation, but that's open to interpretation I suppose.
Yes that's open to interpretation I agree but there have been some that were pretty much, well you know.. thanks kindly for thinking about us women that post on Volnation.. this is best place ever..
GO BIG ORANGE ... :rock:
The question I would ask is why would you open "official woman of " thread if you knew it would offend you ? Not tryin to be an azz just curious. :hi:
The question I would ask is why would you open "official woman of " thread if you knew it would offend you ? Not tryin to be an azz just curious. :hi:
Where is the "Official I'm a Douche and Complained to the Mods about Pics posted Even though nobody but me made me click on it thread?"
calm down, this came directly from the site owner. Please read here
VolNation - Announcements in Forum : Tennessee Vols Football
Due to some complaints and issues we've had, effective immediately we will have a zero tolerance policy for sexually explicit images or materials posted in the main forums. If you think it might not be work safe, don't post it.
Tasteful content will still be allowed in the off topic forums.
We will have no choice but to suspend those users who fail to comply.
I know this might not be a favorable decision in the eyes of some, but know it's in the best interest of VolNation and its continued success. Keep in mind the main focus of this site is University of Tennessee sports and related sports content.
Thanks in advance for your compliance to this new policy.
If you have any questions or issues, feel free to email me at
I support you 100%, Freak.. thanks for letting them have their own world of exploiting women.. I pray no young ones venture to the pub and see that but then you are the boss !
GO BIG ORANGE ... :rock:
You ask a very interesting question, I looked because I could & stand up for all women of how certain things might make us look.. some pics did very much exploit
women .. Freak is being very fair by moving said thread and all of aren't asses (mentioned by another person or I think he was referring to that word)... this is a football site not a get off on your jollies here... sorry Freak..
GO BIG ORANGE ... :rock:
First off I never said Freak was being unfair by moving it to the pub , nor was I trying to be offensive , to you or anyone else. I was just asking a serious question . :hi: