Reading these posts is the most frustrating thing to experience as a fan. If you don't like what you're seeing quit watching. Martin is the right guy for the job, a combination of things happened that escalated a loss.
Missed free throats, 5 block calls on us, random hand check fouls on us, couldn't hit a shot and bad defensive scheming during the first half.
He's a good coach you just have to have faith when times look rough. Wichita State last year is a lot like us this year. They didnt look so hot until the end of the year and did big in the tournament. Think of it: if we won the SEC tournament and did work in the Dance it would be a successful season. We've got about 26 games left don't give up now.
Reading these posts is the most frustrating thing to experience as a fan. If you don't like what you're seeing quit watching. Martin is the right guy for the job, a combination of things happened that escalated a loss.
Missed free throats, 5 block calls on us, random hand check fouls on us, couldn't hit a shot and bad defensive scheming during the first half.
He's a good coach you just have to have faith when times look rough. Wichita State last year is a lot like us this year. They didnt look so hot until the end of the year and did big in the tournament. Think of it: if we won the SEC tournament and did work in the Dance it would be a successful season. We've got about 26 games left don't give up now.
For those of you saying "Pearl is NEVER coming back," you have just as much inside knowledge as the people wanting him to come back. Is he coming back? No probably not, but no one knows for sure. I don't think it's as illogical as some people think. He didn't Sandusky anybody, he lied about a BBQ. Not exactly an offense worth exile.
Reading these posts is the most frustrating thing to experience as a fan. If you don't like what you're seeing quit watching. Martin is the right guy for the job, a combination of things happened that escalated a loss.
Missed free throats, 5 block calls on us, random hand check fouls on us, couldn't hit a shot and bad defensive scheming during the first half.
He's a good coach you just have to have faith when times look rough. Wichita State last year is a lot like us this year. They didnt look so hot until the end of the year and did big in the tournament. Think of it: if we won the SEC tournament and did work in the Dance it would be a successful season. We've got about 26 games left don't give up now.
For those of you saying "Pearl is NEVER coming back," you have just as much inside knowledge as the people wanting him to come back. Is he coming back? No probably not, but no one knows for sure. I don't think it's as illogical as some people think. He didn't Sandusky anybody, he lied about a BBQ. Not exactly an offense worth exile.
For those of you saying "Pearl is NEVER coming back," you have just as much inside knowledge as the people wanting him to come back. Is he coming back? No probably not, but no one knows for sure. I don't think it's as illogical as some people think. He didn't Sandusky anybody, he lied about a BBQ. Not exactly an offense worth exile.