Oh Dear: Woke Engineering

We should just start a thread entitled "Inconsequential Grievance Stuff Tucker Will Likely Try To Get Mileage Out Of." Maybe that'll be my next thread.
What value other than 4 should be considered as right for the answer of 2+2=__ sister?
If you believe The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, then 42 is also an acceptable answer.
I believe it was an entertaining movie and series of books which highlighted and mocked the exact kind of stupidity this alternative answer tripe is promoting
What value other than 4 should be considered as right for the answer of 2+2=__ sister?

Why do you think I'm defending this stuff? I'm mocking your concern with it because it's just another fringe issue that no one pays any mind to other than the white grievance crowd. I'm very much in the objectivity of math and science crowd.
Why do you think I'm defending this stuff? I'm mocking your concern with it because it's just another fringe issue that no one pays any mind to other than the white grievance crowd. I'm very much in the objectivity of math and science crowd.
LMFAO objectivity is not a word I would associate at all with your body of posting work
You clearly don't know your Douglas Adams if you didn't get the reference. But I should expect as much when you say you've read something and obviously haven't.
I was just making a general statement sister on all your posts. Contrary to what goes on in the vacuum between your ears not everything whitey does is tied to social injustice, law abiding citizens owning guns, Christians practicing their faith, cultural misappropriation, and needs for higher revenue to fund wealth redistribution. And all of your posts revolve around attaching a parallel to a topic like that in your attempt to apply guilt. It’s stupid.
The idiots might try it. But Mother Nature and her laws of physics are unforgiving on stupidity.

And dear Lord I’ll never be allowed to retire if college starts birthing woke useless engineering grads.
Need to bring back the days where the engineers/designers had to stand under their work while the construction supports are removed. Something goes wrong they are personally in danger.

Forget "standing behind" your calculations, are you willing to stand under the built thing?
Need to bring back the days where the engineers/designers had to stand under their work while the construction supports are removed. Something goes wrong they are personally in danger.

Forget "standing behind" your calculations, are you willing to stand under the built thing?

Engineers should be made to work on anything they design.

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