Oh Dear: Woke Engineering

Especially automotive engineers.

You should see some of the water quality units we install and service. They’re great right up until they need maintenance and they have to be modified just so they can be maintenanced.
Engineers should be made to work on anything they design.
Yep. Couldn’t agree more. The USAF used to have a program where they brought industry engineers to the field, gave them the TOs for a task, and cut them loose. Change a vehicle power pack. Install an electronics module. The maintainers were handy to answer the questions... which they already knew which questions would be asked. Great program.
Yep. Couldn’t agree more. The USAF used to have a program where they brought industry engineers to the field, gave them the TOs for a task, and cut them loose. Change a vehicle power pack. Install an electronics module. The maintainers were handy to answer the questions... which they already knew which questions would be asked. Great program.
I used to point out design flaws to my coworkers from time to time. How are you going to change this or that once it's installed I would ask? Most of the time I would get a "not my problem" response since maintenance and engineering were separate entities. I've gone to the maintenance manager on more than one occasion to point out a design that would kill the plant for days if it was allowed to be installed and needed to be fixed later.
I used to point out design flaws to my coworkers from time to time. How are you going to change this or that once it's installed I would ask? Most of the time I would get a "not my problem" response since maintenance and engineering were separate entities. I've gone to the maintenance manager on more than one occasion to point out a design that would kill the plant for days if it was allowed to be installed and needed to be fixed later.
Good for you. I’m always happy to rat out lazy bastard design engineers also. We own it, cradle to grave. At least any protégée of mine is going to know that.
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I'd like to hear that story. As a right/wrong, true/false, black/white kind of guy (yes male/female too) I'm open to finding the gray scale.....just find that difficult within math.
Its in the "thats racist" thread. In a nutshell.. cashier feeder line at big box store splits into two lines depending on which cash register opens up next. I hop in my line, the black girl in front of me goes to hers, mine moves faster, she demands to be next since I used my "White Privilege" to beat her out of the store, I told her she needs to learn basic math and she lost her mind as I smiled and walked out the door.
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Why do you think I'm defending this stuff? I'm mocking your concern with it because it's just another fringe issue that no one pays any mind to other than the white grievance crowd. I'm very much in the objectivity of math and science crowd.
What about the Asian grievance crowd?
Why do you think I'm defending this stuff? I'm mocking your concern with it because it's just another fringe issue that no one pays any mind to other than the white grievance crowd. I'm very much in the objectivity of math and science crowd.

Are serious? This stuff is all over campuses. Don't be ignorant. Nothing fringe about this.
Are serious? This stuff is all over campuses. Don't be ignorant. Nothing fringe about this.

Did Tucker tell you that? Best friend is an applied math and statistics professor at a super lib university. I told him this and he laughed. You guys are scared of a bunch of boogeymen.
One of you engineers needs to create me a Marvin the Android. A depressed robot waxing existential would be so great.
Woke Progs are something else...First it is imperial to metric conversion, now conversion to woke math. God help us all
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I have no idea why we separate design groups from the field groups. In fact, all designers should spend 2+ years in the field before they go into design.
My company used to start our designers on production support. Building new and repairing returns. Best way to learn the products.

Now we hire green kids in as designers. Idiot managers say “well we just need to train them!” We did... in the unit test and repair areas. Morons...
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My company used to start our designers on production support. Building new and repairing returns. Best way to learn the products.

Now we hire green kids in as designers. Idiot managers say “well we just need to train them!” We did... in the unit test and repair areas. Morons...
But that costs time and money...

I think at some point, the pendulum is going to need to swing back in the direction of spending more time and money on training engineers the same way they did 30+ years ago.
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But that costs time and money...

I think at some point, the pendulum is going to need to swing back in the direction of spending more time and money on training engineers the same way they did 30+ years ago.
I’m starting to wonder if the days of senior engineers raising baby engineers is over. I’m sure I’m just old and crotchety but I completely believe we did it better. We didn’t anoint newly minted engineers as designers we tempered them a bit and culled them then gave the ones who made the cut their shot.

I’ve only got to deal with it for a couple of more years. Maybe only one we will see.
I work with a couple of companies that are building back the employment pyramid (doing away with the flat organization) giving their gen Y employees a chance to get promotions much quicker

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