Once again Todd Kelly, Jr.

Let me get this straight, your disapointed that two teenagers are taking time to make the most important decisions of their lives to this point, rather than caving into pressure and signing at a school that may not be a good fit for them. Also, you complain they aren't recruiting for us and say they are butthurt and jealous.

If you are a troll this is masterful (you got my attention, that's for sure). If you are serious then you need to reevaluate your life because this is absurd.

Check my posts, you will not find a single negative post aimed at a UT administrator,coach,player or recruit until now. If i'm a troll i've been in deep cover since 1964. Now back to TKJr. A great kid who is a true VFL and has earned our respect and attention.:rock:
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Todd is our new Superhero! Sorry, Rod!

GO VOLS!! #Brick by Brick

Yea, but the reason the Rod thing was funny was bc there's no truth to it. It's funny bc he sits on the bench (I know, I know, bc they are trying to keep him off death row for mass murder).

But with a kid like Kelly, he needs no help, he's gonna be an amazing player, and some of the "jokes" might become factual.


Sorry, Rod, you know I didnt mean any of that.
How... in ... the... heck...

does someone get their triceps to that massive size so early?

When I watch, or see, TK2, I am reminded of Eric Berry's obliteration of Knoshown Moreno.

Moreno is still not acting right, and it's been a few years since the hit!
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How... in ... the... heck...

does someone get their triceps to that massive size so early?

Because he's been doing work in the weight room like you wouldn't believe. TK will be a tremendous SS for us immediately once he gets here. Bring the PAIN TK!
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TK Jr is my daughter's age. I realize the difference, but it's almost unbelievable that he is ripped like that.

I am around some pretty good high school football players from time to time and guys who are built like that who can actually play at a high level are few and far between.

There are guys who can play who have solid bodies but nothing like that, and there are guys who are built like that but very few of them are true football players. You know, built like Tarzan, but plays like Jane.
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