I will give him his three years to prove himself.
Recruiter - excellent, much better than I expected.
This. As Doyle pointed out in another thread, I kept expecting a lot of decommits after each of our losses. But somehow, they just kept coming.
Coaching staff - very average. Really rolling my eyes at "best coaching staff in the country comment."
Can't blame a guy for attempting to throw a little motivation behind his staff can you? Positive reinforcement is never a bad thing which is why he hasn't thrown a single player under the bus all year either.
People need to give this comment a rest. Had he come out and said "we have the absolute worst staff in the entire FBS" or "I went out and hired a bunch of average Joes to run the coaching staff" I would have been worried. So give the guy a break will you?
Schemes - average. Defense is really suspect regardless of the talent issues. Too many holes on the field against good teams. And I have to wonder if anyone on the coaching staff knows how to teach tackling? Offense is hard to judge because of execution issues. Using Pig on the outside against taller players is just ridiculous. They can not get him the ball.
I think lack of depth at defense hurt us more than the talent gap. D going from a 4-3 to a 3-4 back to a 4-3 in a matter of three seasons probably didn't help us at all either. And three different coordinators in three seasons. Otherwise, the defense played pretty tough all year save a few games where the score would have been lopsided no matter what. I would like to see more blitzes in the future though and getting into the backfield to disrupt the opposing QB can certainly help.
Pig is a mystery. He was supposed to be the slot receiver, but I didn't see him lining up that way too often. He's talented and they need to find his niche where he is most effective. And for crying out loud, that Jet sweep only works so many times. Have to find something else that works.
Fashion Coordinator - excellent. Came up with nice alternative uniform that was irrelevant to the program and win/loss record.
Public relations - average. Good with fans and players. Created major riff in initiating a confrontation with band director in which one of them was eliminated.
Academics - excellent. Removed the program from APR vulnerabilities after 3 years of incompetence by his predecessor.
Agreed on most of this. Not sure about the band deal though.
Game Management- average. Won the USCe game and lost the Vandy and UGA games with his game management. Was never competitive in other SEC games.
Hard to compete with teams that would end the season as #3, 4 and 5 respectively. Rearrange the deck chairs on the Titanic all you want, but nothing we could have done was going to change the outcomes in most of our SEC games.
Player development - Better than average. I give him credit for what he was able to do with Palardy, Sutton, DB's, and the running backs. Not sure on WR's, LB's, DL. Not impressed with the inability to get a yard with an experienced OL when it was needed but I really should not be surprised at this because he could not get that yard 3 times when he faced Dooley.
I'll give him another year before making any firm stances on player development. We did see immediate progress in Palardy, but not sure about the remainder of the team. Sometimes it takes more than a year to effect a change in the entire team, so I'll wait and see.
I would give him a C+, B- for the first year. He said that he has had to change a lot of habits. He will have a considerable different group of players next year and those habits should be evident.
I do expect a minimum of 7-5 next year. Anything less than that is very average.
Minimum yes. I think the SEC next year, specifically the East is going to be an interesting year. USCe, UGA and Vandy are all starting new QBs and losing some significant talent on their teams. Florida I expect to be a dumpster fire by about week 6 and the fans calling for Muschamp's head. Mizzou is a wild card since they lose Franklin, but put Mauk in the driver's seat full time which appears to be a talented QB. However, they are still losing a lot of talent on that team as well. Kentucky is...well Kentucky.
Next year the SEC East is certainly achievable since we are bringing back a bunch of talent and have new talent ready to go in the system.