Oscars So White: The Vol Nation 88th Academy Awards Thread

I knew this would happen. I cringed the second I heard Leo let that climate change slip out of his mouth. My favorite Oscar win in as long as I can remember is ruined by everyone hating on him today. Man he owns a yacht that burns diesel like no other and as the pic above states he flies in jets. Hate it for him, but still glad he won. If you have FB you can't scroll more than a second without seeing people calling him a hypocrite.

I almost think not a single thing any of these guys say even comes from them. It's like they all get told to throw some agenda out there since there are so many viewers.

He was an early Prius driver...he hasn't been TOLD anything.
Climate change: an unholy union between natural and political sciences. Truth with an agenda!
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Sure it does. His "Contributions" mean absolutely nothing if he doesn't practice what he preaches.

I disagree with that. His contributions definitely have meaning because they have tangible results (more research, etc.). Good for him.

In no way am I trying to say he's a bad guy. I'm a big Leo fan. All I'm saying is he is not looking at the problem the right way. He thinks it's about good vs evil. He thinks it's a problem that (only?) governments can solve. He thinks it can be fixed by throwing money at it. He passes judgment based on this myopic viewpoint.

Think of it this way...if everyone behaved like Leo and used private jets while donating to research, would global warming be solved or would the problem be worse? It's a damn good question. We'd either be in a great position or a much worse position.
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You have no idea about the things he does to offset his carbon footprint do you? None. You assume that "he sits up there judging corporate greed" while not practicing what he preaches. I won't do your research for you, but there are plenty off examples of how Leo does exactly what he advocates for and that is why the meme you posted is total bull$hit.
You have no idea about the things he does to offset his carbon footprint do you? None. You assume that "he sits up there judging corporate greed" while not practicing what he preaches. I won't do your research for you, but there are plenty off examples of how Leo does exactly what he advocates for and that is why the meme you posted is total bull$hit.

You still don't get my point. It's the elitist aspect. He is wealthy. He can afford to offset his footprint. IDK why you think I need to do research. I don't think you brought up carbon credits. I did. So obviously I am aware of what's going there. He doesn't actually have to make any real sacrifices. He is filthy rich. A real sacrifice would be giving up things that make his life fun, comfortable, and/or convenient.

To achieve the world Leo wants, most everybody else has to give up things that make life fun, comfortable, and convenient. They actually have to make sacrifices. He thinks it is greed. He wouldn't be willing to live like they do now, let alone with these extra sacrifices. The corporations are focusing on improving their standards of living, because that is where the $ is at. Call it greed, but it's just the way the world works. Just like Leo, everybody wants to be comfortable. Leo doesn't understand this because he doesn't live in the real world.
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You still don't get my point. It's the elitist aspect. He is wealthy. He can afford to offset his footprint. IDK why you think I need to do research. I don't think you brought up carbon credits. I did. So obviously I am aware of what's going there. He doesn't actually have to make any real sacrifices. He is filthy rich. A real sacrifice would be giving up things that make his life fun, comfortable, and/or convenient.

To achieve the world Leo wants, most everybody else has to give up things that make life fun, comfortable, and convenient. They actually have to make sacrifices. He thinks it is greed. He wouldn't be willing to live like they do now, let alone with these extra sacrifices. The corporations are focusing on improving their standards of living, because that is where the $ is at. Call it greed, but it's just the way the world works. Just like Leo, everybody wants to be comfortable. Leo doesn't understand this because he doesn't live in the real world.

Just out of curiosity, if he has to travel back and forth between NY and LA for various things that would be considered business, not pleasure, how would you suggest he travel?
I'm with Huff here. Don't preach me to me about my carbon footprint when he flies around the world in a non-essential industry, travels around in yachts, is big buddies with a sheik who has ties to oil, lives an extravagant life, etc. All the things he owns, how does he think they were produced, shipped, etc.

I really don't care for ultra rich Hollywood elites preach about corporate greed when they demand millions for their profession.
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Thing is the jet in question is owned by Sony. It would most likely be making the trip whether Leo was in it or not.

No offense, but that's like Gwyneth Paltrow gorging on veal "cuz they had it fixed already". :)
In order to facilitate the change that Leo wishes, he has to have access to the biggest leaders in the world. What do you guys want him to do? Show up in a damn Kia? That's a fantasy world and you all are living in it if you believe that's how the world works. To mingle with the rich, you have to be and appear rich. Leo is demanding some pretty intense change that will effect everyone on the planet and the use of a private jet perhaps allows him to have better access to world leaders, I dunno? But the meme is, like I said yesterday, total bull$hit because it discredits Leo of the thousands of hours he has worked to help the climate.

Then people would complain he flew first class.

What is this point about first class? it seems like you guys are grasping for straws. I don't care that he has money and can buy nice things. I'm not talking about his $2k suits and neither is anybody else. Now if he was flying first class and asking others to only use public transportation and calling the airlines greedy, then I'd tell him to go kick rocks.
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Leo, the biggest Hollywood actor in the world, is going to fly commercial. No.

Why, because it would be inconvenient? Then he should have his meetings on skype*. Charter an entire plane to take the cast and crew to Patagonia.

Leo would still be able to do commercial travel unlike anybody else. He would be taken straight to the plane. If Matthew Broderick rides the NYC subway, then Leo can deal with other air travellers walking past him in first class.

*an invention by a greedy corporation that reduces travel and pollution
LOL, apparently Leo thinks he's doing an eco-friendly resort, so there are 2 sides to everything, but:

Leonardo DiCaprio wants to turn a beautiful piece of Belize and its surrounding waters into an exclusive resort for the wealthy. He plans to violate key provisions of Belizean law by building overwater structures in a newly expanded conservation zone, as well as by restricting public access despite the "Queen's Land" rule. The area in which he plans to build overwater structures is part of a conservation zone designated to protect fly-fishing species and their nursing grounds. To allow those overwater structures is not just a violation of Belizean law, but is an infringement on the livelihood of fly-fishermen and tour guides who have used the area for decades. Please sign our petition to protect the environment at Blackadore Caye and the rights of local fishermen.

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What is this point about first class? it seems like you guys are grasping for straws. I don't care that he has money and can buy nice things. I'm not talking about his $2k suits and neither is anybody else. Now if he was flying first class and asking others to only use public transportation and calling the airlines greedy, then I'd tell him to go kick rocks.

No I'm not.

If he flew a commercial airline, he would most definitely get a first class seat, and people would complain that because he has money he can do that and not sit with the "common folk" in coach.

You just said he's wealthy and elite, which is part of the criticism about him preaching about doing things to save the environment. Part of the argument is the "elite, wealthy" part.
No I'm not.

If he flew a commercial airline, he would most definitely get a first class seat, and people would complain that because he has money he can do that and not sit with the "common folk" in coach.

You just said he's wealthy and elite, which is part of the criticism about him preaching about doing things to save the environment. Part of the argument is the "elite, wealthy" part.

Who is out there complaining because a celebrity flew first class?
Who is out there complaining because a celebrity flew first class?

Not the argument; we're talking this specific actor in this specific situation. I repeat, part of the reason people are upset with him is because he's a privileged, massively wealthy celebrity who is preaching to others about making sacrifices, so even if he switched from private jets to first class, some would still criticize him for flying first class.

I'm not even arguing he's not a hypocrite. I think he does a lot of good for his cause but I also think he's a bit obtuse when it comes to his preaching. Nobody likes someone who can wipe themselves with $100 bills telling them how they need to do more to save the environment.
No I'm not.

If he flew a commercial airline, he would most definitely get a first class seat, and people would complain that because he has money he can do that and not sit with the "common folk" in coach.

You just said he's wealthy and elite, which is part of the criticism about him preaching about doing things to save the environment. Part of the argument is the "elite, wealthy" part.

The point is not that he is wealthy or elite and doesn't relate to common folks, those are just explanations of his position. The point is that his position is somewhat hypocritical.

Again...nobody here cares what suit he wears. We care that he indirectly advocates a lower standard of living for the common people.
DiCaprio expressed his concern for how climate change will deleteriously affect "indigenous people of the world, for the billions and billions of underprivileged people." First, the good news is that the World Bank reports that absolute poverty (defined as living on less than $1.90 per day) has now fallen below 10 percent of the world's population. The global rate of absolute poverty was 37 percent as recently as 1990. In large measure this amazing improvement in poverty rates stems from hundreds of millions of poor people gaining access to modern energy supplies. Total electric generating capacity has more than doubled since 1990 and most of that energy is produced by burning fossil fuels. DiCaprio would be better advised to direct his aid toward connecting the 1.2 billion underprivileged people who are still without electricity to modern power plants.

Finally, DiCaprio decried "big polluters" and the "politics of greed." It is true that private energy production companies are guilty of trying to make profits for their shareholders. But DiCaprio should keep in mind that governments control over 90 percent of the world's oil reserves and 50 percent of the world's coal reserves.

Leonardo DiCaprio's Oscar Climate Change Grandstand - Hit & Run : Reason.com

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