Our offensive woes are not just a Talent...



Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2009
issue. The coaches deserve a LOT of blame for the offensive debacle on Saturday. We have a veteran OL with some good players--should be the strength of the unit. We have two experienced backs who are better than decent. Worley had started games before this year. Yes, we are inexperienced at WR--but EVERY TEAM is plays freshmen in certain positions. Every team plays young guys.

Coaching is a big part of this game, gents. Spurrier lit up the SEC with his passing game for a decade--and how many productive NFL QBs and WRs came out of his system? Very few--no QBs, and a tiny number of WRs. Wuerffel--prolific college passer--short-armed the ball and had no chance of being a NFL QB, even though he hung around the league for few years. Grossman has also hung around but not even sure he played for Spurrier, and just not all that talented. It was all Spurrier's coaching. He hammered home basic principles to his guys--if you run a good 12-yard hook pattern and the QB delivers the ball on time, you have a completion--it's not complicated. Croom is a big target--there is no reason we shouldn't be getting him the ball in the middle of the field. Our guys need better offensive coaching. If Worley can't complete a 10-yard pass, then put in one of the other three QBs. Not saying we should be scoring 30, but was not impressed with the offensive unit I saw Saturday. It actually and painfully reminded me of the Sanders offensive units that started this mess--too much standing around at the LOS, dull play-calling, weak blocking, etc., etc. We can do better.
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We've got an FCS level QB starting in the SEC with inexperienced WR's and no TE to speak of.

Our offense will continue to suck so long as we continue to throw the ball like we are.
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Wasn't aware that our coaches were throwing the ball.

However, i did see a few play calls that stuck out to me. Early in the game it was 3rd and 9 we run a 5 yard out to she short side of the field.
Wasn't aware that our coaches were throwing the ball.

However, i did see a few play calls that stuck out to me. Early in the game it was 3rd and 9 we run a 5 yard out to she short side of the field.

About the only throw he can make.
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:crazy: What were Spurrier's first few seasons at USCe like? Not very good until he brought in enough talent to coach up. The same will be true with CBJ.
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Our team makes mistakes in all phases of the game. Coverage (as in recognizing who to cover), taking poor angles and tackling are all problems on defense.

On offense, Worley doesn't trust what he sees. Wuerffel & Grossman read the coverage (Worley hasn't yet) & threw the ball to the correct receiver, and more importantly, on time. Worley doesn't really know defenses, and at this point maybe he never will. A qb needs to confirm his pre-snap read post snap and deliver a confident throw into what will be an opening in the defense. The next time Worley does that will be the first. You can see him hold the ball to long when he has an open receiver. By the time he finally does throw the ball, the receiver has ran through the open area and now is close to another defender's area. We are WAY too easy to cover as long as our qb's can't actually quarterback our team.
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i dunno....but not going for it on those 4th and 1s was gutless and pointless when we had already been blownout at that point and had a strong oline to qb sneak behind them.......

also the play where Lane was short for 4th and 1 should have been reviewed..but Butch didn't make the call...i support Butch....but in game decisions against Oegon and the offensive play calling ween't that good IMO...we looked scared out there...
The bammers have had two OCs in the past three years and haven't missed a beat. Damn right it's coaching.

Finally someone who has a clue. It's already obvious this staff is a disaster and we need to wake up to that. After next season when we suck even worse we better fire them all and hart too. This is his fault after all.
If talent is not a factor why did spurrier's offense look better with wuerffel and grossman than with Doug Johnson?

In fact, why were the offenses better at Florida than at South Carolina?

And wuerffel threw deep plenty at Florida just fine.
The bammers have had two OCs in the past three years and haven't missed a beat. Damn right it's coaching.

It's not who's coaching but who they are coaching. Big difference.

Finally someone who has a clue. It's already obvious this staff is a disaster and we need to wake up to that. After next season when we suck even worse we better fire them all and hart too. This is his fault after all.

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Finally someone who has a clue. It's already obvious this staff is a disaster and we need to wake up to that. After next season when we suck even worse we better fire them all and hart too. This is his fault after all.

Wow. :no:
Finally someone who has a clue. It's already obvious this staff is a disaster and we need to wake up to that. After next season when we suck even worse we better fire them all and hart too. This is his fault after all.

Yet another example of why this is the dumbest fanbase in America. Suggesting firing Jones after 2 years is laughable.
Bama has Mcarron and a host of vets on offense at skill player positions..it's easy not to miss a beat with that...applesand oranges...we have new Qb and WRs and merely average RBs
I'm really pulling for Butch (we all should be), but that was a combination of talent and horrible pay calling. It is not a read-"option" when the QB will never keep the ball. Toss this play completely from your playbook until you have a QB who has at least a 1% chance of keeping it.

It's almost indefensible to keep calling that play Saturday...
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After our last two coaches I'm on bad coach alert, some of the symptoms are beginning to show already. :question:

I agree. Losing to the number two team in the country who has a ridiculous talent advantage is a major red flag. Should fire Butch today and save ourselves from years of suffering.
Coaching is a big part of this game, gents. Spurrier lit up the SEC with his passing game for a decade--and how many productive NFL QBs and WRs came out of his system? Very few--no QBs, and a tiny number of WRs. Wuerffel--prolific college passer--short-armed the ball and had no chance of being a NFL QB, even though he hung around the league for few years. Grossman has also hung around but not even sure he played for Spurrier, and just not all that talented. It was all Spurrier's coaching. He hammered home basic principles to his guys--if you run a good 12-yard hook pattern and the QB delivers the ball on time, you have a completion--it's not complicated. Croom is a big target--there is no reason we shouldn't be getting him the ball in the middle of the field. Our guys need better offensive coaching. If Worley can't complete a 10-yard pass, then put in one of the other three QBs. Not saying we should be scoring 30, but was not impressed with the offensive unit I saw Saturday. It actually and painfully reminded me of the Sanders offensive units that started this mess--too much standing around at the LOS, dull play-calling, weak blocking, etc., etc. We can do better.

I doubt that even Steve Spurrier could do much with Justin Worley.

Insinuating that Rex Grossman, who should've won the Heisman in 2001, is on par with Justin Worley on a talent level is a little bit beyond ridiculous. Rex might not have been a great NFL quarterback, but he was probably the best college QB to play under Spurrier. Substitute the 2001 version of Rex Grossman for Justin Worley and we're probably an 8- or 9- win team, with a legit shot at beating Florida, Georgia, AND South Carolina.
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It's not who's coaching but who they are coaching. Big difference.


I dunno. Look at Arkansas last yr. Pretty much same team. Different coach. James Franklin did good with less talent. What about our D under Sunseri compared to Wilcox.

I believe someone came on here talking about Azzani at Wisconsin? Said their wrs degressed every yr under him.

I think we need to see how things go with a different qb. Will we continue the same crappy play calling, will the wrs still be the problem etc.

We should have seen some wildcat and def. Should have given the beast package a look on short yardage situations last week.

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