OWH's Topic That Will Never Die XXIII

Been a rough 30 days. Dec 9, oldest son dies from a stupid decision. Wife had a lung cancer scare (it has been confirmed it is not lung cancer, but an odd form of pneumonia this past Friday! WHEW!), and early yesterday morning, my father passed away.

I am sending notes to friends and relatives nothing bad is allowed for the next few months so I can recover.
I am so sorry. My goodness.
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The only tree still holding onto its leaves is a young beech. All of the other deciduous trees are bare after these storms.
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Been a rough 30 days. Dec 9, oldest son dies from a stupid decision. Wife had a lung cancer scare (it has been confirmed it is not lung cancer, but an odd form of pneumonia this past Friday! WHEW!), and early yesterday morning, my father passed away.

I am sending notes to friends and relatives nothing bad is allowed for the next few months so I can recover.
Sorry for all your troubles GC, hope the next 30 days are much better!
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Dad and stepmom are coming for dinner tonight. For Christmas I gave them a calendar with the second Tuesday of every month marked for dinner at my house. Realized two days ago that their anniversary is today. No pressure.
Boiled hot dogs, store bought buns, basic store brand potato chips, store bought cookies for dessert. 🤪

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