OWH's Topic That Will Never Die XXIII

ok, Ok, OK! You senile feline! I’m up. What do you want?! CANNOT REMEMBER?!
Hubs has pretty much mastered the art of getting up, following the cat toward the back door, grabbing her in the almost scratch proof method, carrying her to the front room and plopping her in, closing the door, and making it back to bed without fully waking up. It’s an art!
Hubs has pretty much mastered the art of getting up, following the cat toward the back door, grabbing her in the almost scratch proof method, carrying her to the front room and plopping her in, closing the door, and making it back to bed without fully waking up. It’s an art!
I envy him. If I wake 6+ hours after retiring, seldom do I return to sleep.
My wife confines elderly Cookie Cat to the house and the screened porch. She would not fare well in encounters with other cats.
I understand. I'm just not an inside cat person. I have three outside felines, and yes during the extreme cold they have shelter with a heat lamp.
I understand. I'm just not an inside cat person. I have three outside felines, and yes during the extreme cold they have shelter with a heat lamp.
My mother's cat (1960s), Jewel seldom came indoors, even in the cold of winter.
We lost our previous cat to FIV (cat HIV) from bite wounds in a territorial cat fight. It was pretty awful.

We'd keep the current one inside except that she's too ill-tempered, but she stays in from sunset to sunrise. She is NOT happy about this
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Good evening to everyone here and hope everyone here has had a great day! @Tin Man I hope your cat doesn't keep you up tonight. I remember how that was for me except it was a big hound barking early in the morning to go eat and go out. I actually miss it.

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