OWH's Topic That Will Never Die XXIII

Look on this as a blessing! A chance to disengage with our screens and see the world around us.

Thanks for taking time out from your everyday life to go help people struggling back from disaster. 🙏🏻
It's an absolute blessing, for sure. But we have to be smart about the situation as well. We are in two different places at times, and need to stay connected.
Walkie-talkies? Range is an issue, I realize.

It’s nowhere near as bad as Haiti, is it?
The churches are in two different towns. There's a lot of movement on our trip, as far doing VBS at both churches, and the different ministries we will do (taking things to hospitals and shut-ins, taking food bags and flip flops to the poorest areas, etc.) Lots to do. And not a lot of time to do it.
The churches are in two different towns. There's a lot of movement on our trip, as far doing VBS at both churches, and the different ministries we will do (taking things to hospitals and shut-ins, taking food bags and flip flops to the poorest areas, etc.) Lots to do. And not a lot of time to do it.
Take some pictures, and be safe. Praying for you all!

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