OWH's Topic That Will Never Die XXIII

Morning. Finally saw the neurologist last week after being referred to them from the ENT for my facial pain. She doesn't think it's a neurological related issue, but she is going to do an MRI to confirm and put me on migraine medication in the meantime. The side effects of the medication have been so brutal that I've sent a message this morning asking to stop.
Morning. Finally saw the neurologist last week after being referred to them from the ENT for my facial pain. She doesn't think it's a neurological related issue, but she is going to do an MRI to confirm and put me on migraine medication in the meantime. The side effects of the medication have been so brutal that I've sent a message this morning asking to stop.
Morning. Finally saw the neurologist last week after being referred to them from the ENT for my facial pain. She doesn't think it's a neurological related issue, but she is going to do an MRI to confirm and put me on migraine medication in the meantime. The side effects of the medication have been so brutal that I've sent a message this morning asking to stop.
Dang. That sucks.

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