Yes. Spurrier was the first to turn them in followed by Houston Nutt. Fulmer simply answered questions and was honest. Therefore he is hated in bammer land. Honesty and beating their a$$ made him hated in the land without toothbrushesMy understanding was that the coach from Arkansas and Spurrier turned in Bama. I am surprised that some media outlets do not make a living investigating Bama. The NCAA is totally oblivious these days.
Yes. Spurrier was the first to turn them in followed by Houston Nutt. Fulmer simply answered questions and was honest. Therefore he is hated in bammer land. Honesty and beating their a$$ made him hated in the land without toothbrushes
But your post had nothing to do with the discussion. How many of those 11 wins came against Fulmer? He ownes y'alls toothless a$$es and you and all of your fellow cousin kissers know it.
You can try and change the subject to avoid how wacko the bammer fan base is. But the fact is the toothless wonders hate him because he owned bammer. Fact
LOL that's the point. All Fulmer did was be honest and your nut job fan base couldn't and still can't handle it.When did I deny that Fulmer was great against Bama for most of his tenure? But I personally don't hate him because Bama wound up so much better off than Tennessee did after he tried to play PI. Bama is about to play for a 4th title in seven years, and Phil has been unemployed for all seven. It's really not worth hating him.
LOL that's the point. All Fulmer did was be honest and your nut job fan base couldn't and still can't handle it.