If we're being technical, and i truly do not matter as you claim, then it would be impossible to feel 'sorry' for something that is not present. Just saying.
Sorry for all the nerves I've hit, Butch. I'll leave you alone and let you all of you have your hallways back 😂🐸☕️
I'll let all you "coaches" do what you do best- posting on VN. Lol
Good night everyone, ✊🏽.
(Enter insults here)
I've asked for a source repeatedly. Have not name called. Have not insisted on initiating violence like (LittleVol). So where have I been childish again?
And when did I mention I was rich and everyone was poor? You don't need to be rich to have common sense, be opened minded, and to be educated. Go back to your safe space and tell butchna I told you that.
I did not insist on violence towards you. I was responding to the recurring WaffleHouse comment.
And I said BB WOULDN'T seek that. "That" being physical altercation.
I've been going through your posts in this thread. And there is something painful going on with you. In your life.
You are upset for no reason. There is no motive to what you're doing.
You're just trying to start trouble it seems. I'm sorry about whatever is going on with you. And I hope it changes. You have wasted an entire day... being frustrated and arguing for what?
Go outside and enjoy a walk. Or a run. What you're doing now is not healthy for yourself.
He doesn't. I'm doing this because you don't require effort. Feeling lazy and you don't have original thoughts.
It's a message board, David...not Goliath. You're putting way too much thought into it...doesn't show.![]()
Wasn't stored. Did it in 5 seconds...and I'm 47.![]()