Pakistan defies US, honors Iran gas deal



Sep 2, 2007
On December 19, high-ranking Islamabad diplomats said the administration of Barack Obama is frustrated with the “rapid progress” of Pakistan's gas project with Iran, and is exhausting all its resources to sabotage the deal.

“They (US officials) have gone to the extent of threatening [Pakistan's] President [Asif Ali] Zardari of economic sanctions if work is not stopped immediately,” the official said.

PressTV - Pakistan defies US, honors Iran gas deal
uh oh watch out for the invasion of pakistan now.. if you defy the zionists in america you end up dead like gaddafi
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Bakken has 24 Billion Barrels of oil in it making it the largest find since the Ghawar Field in SA. The oil in the Rockies Mnts is not recoverable
Nah, we still have ben bernanke's printing press. Getting ready to print another 1.2 trillion as we speak.
I figure the only safe bet in the coming year will be gold, our dollar is headed down the tubes.

Gold has made me plenty of money in the past few years, but it is by no means a safe bet.
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Id rather buy ammo then gold

Ammo prices in the last few years have risen higher than
Used to be able to buy high quality surplus .308 for 149.00 a thousand. Now it will cost you 5-6 for a 1000.

I will credit obama with one thing, he is one hell of a gun

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