Pakistan defies US, honors Iran gas deal

I'm sorry to the op for hijacking your thread.

The way we throw our weight around in the world, telling countries what they can and cannot do is sooner or later going to come back to haunt us big time.

We need to worry about America, we have enough problems without trying to run other countries as well.
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I'm sorry to the op for hijacking your thread.

The way we throw our weight around in the world, telling countries what they can and cannot do is sooner or later going to come back to haunt us big time.

We need to worry about America, we have enough problems without trying to run other countries as well.

But what on god's green earth will the rest of the civilized world do if we don't stick our nose in their business?
beg the US to help when something inevitably goes wrong

an isolationist America would be viewed just as unfavorably as it is now

And since when should we give a flying **** about how favorably we're viewed? Why should we help anyone else until we are actually able to help ourselves?
beg the US to help when something inevitably goes wrong

an isolationist America would be viewed just as unfavorably as it is now

I haven't lived to see an isolationist/non-interventionist US foreign policy yet, so I don't know if that is true or not. I would guess that you haven't lived in that world, either.

I say what would it hurt if we actually took a chance and tried a different approach? All of that stuff you are talking is based on fear, but not facts.
And since when should we give a flying **** about how favorably we're viewed? Why should we help anyone else until we are actually able to help ourselves?

we shouldn't care, but then again, Ron Paul and his sycophants would have us believe that US interventionism is the reason why we're hated so much around the world.

The US is quite capable of helping itself now, the problem is that bureaucracy paralyzes everything.
Why should we help anyone else until we are actually able to help ourselves?

What a lot of people don't realize is that this country is being destroyed on the inside. No external force is the cause for most of the problems that this country is facing. We have killed our economy and have threatened our freedoms. If we don't get our own house in order, there will be no money and no political will to be able to fight all of these battles outside of our borders.
we shouldn't care, but then again, Ron Paul and his sycophants would have us believe that US interventionism is the reason why we're hated so much around the world.

The US is quite capable of helping itself now, the problem is that bureaucracy paralyzes everything.

How often have you hated/disliked/etc someone who didn't harm you?
we shouldn't care, but then again, Ron Paul and his sycophants would have us believe that US interventionism is the reason why we're hated so much around the world.

The US is quite capable of helping itself now, the problem is that bureaucracy paralyzes everything.

We armed Saddam, then we toppled him.
We armed Bin Ladin, then we toppled him.

We supported Iran for over 25 years, then they became the enemy.

We supported Iraq for 8-10 years, then they became the enemy.

The majority of the 9/11 hijackers came from Saudi Arabia, so we attack Iraq and Afghanistan.

In the last 50 years, we have just completely botched everything imaginable in the Middle East. But you argue for more involvement in the region. Unbelievable.
What a lot of people don't realize is that this country is being destroyed on the inside. No external force is the cause for most of the problems that this country is facing. We have killed our economy and have threatened our freedoms. If we don't get our own house in order, there will be no money and no political will to be able to fight all of these battles outside of our borders.

See: Edward Gibbon and Rome.
We armed Saddam, then we toppled him.
We armed Bin Ladin, then we toppled him.

We supported Iran for over 25 years, then they became the enemy.

We supported Iraq for 8-10 years, then they became the enemy.

The majority of the 9/11 hijackers came from Saudi Arabia, so we attack Iraq and Afghanistan.

In the last 50 years, we have just completely botched everything imaginable in the Middle East. But you argue for more involvement in the region. Unbelievable.

when and where have I argued for more intervention in the ME?

I was hawkish on Iraq in the early going, but even someone as ignorant and cowardly as I understand the law of diminishing returns. Now I just want our troops home and to wash our hands of the ME altogether.
when and where have I argued for more intervention in the ME?

I was hawkish on Iraq in the early going, but even someone as ignorant and cowardly as I understand the law of diminishing returns. Now I just want our troops home and to wash our hands of the ME altogether.

I hate to say it, but given the extent of our "foreign involvement," washing our hands of the ME would come pretty damn close to isolationism.
that and topless donut shops



The Obama Report

From the Times of India:

Taliban militants in Afghanistan and Pakistan have formed a new grouping which has pledged to stop targeting Pakistani security forces and focus their attention on US-led Nato troops in Afghanistan at the intervention of their elusive supreme commander Mullah Omar.

Likewise, the Long War Journal reported:
One of al Qaeda's top leaders has reached out to the most powerful Taliban commanders along the Afghan-Pakistani border to create a new alliance to battle the US and NATO forces in Afghanistan...
The members of the Shura-e-Murakeba agreed to cease attacks against Pakistani security forces, refocus efforts against the US, and end kidnappings and other criminal activities in the tribal areas.

The deal was brokered by senior al Qaeda leader Abu Yahya al Libi as well as by Sirajuddin Haqqani, the operational leader of the Haqqani Network, and Mullah Mansour, a senior Taliban leader who operates in eastern Afghanistan... Mullah Omar, the overall leader of the Taliban in Afghanistan and Pakistan, is said to have dispatched Siraj and Mansour to help negotiate the agreement...

Hence, while the Obama administration is desperately grasping on to straws and reaching out to Mullah Omar, Mr. Omar is creating "a new alliance to battle US and NATO forces in Afghanistan."

The high-level meetings between al Libi and the leaders of the various Taliban factions took place as the US halted all drone strikes in Pakistan after a clash with Pakistani forces. A US intelligence official who tracks the terror groups along the Afghan-Pakistani border told The Long War Journal that the pause in strikes gave the Taliban and al Qaeda the ability to travel and meet without fear of being hit...

This coincides with the Paks negotiations with the Taliban and other groups to cease attacks on Pak soldiers.

"The enemy of my enemy is my friend?"

So we can say the Pakistanis success in getting Obama (I'll bet they really had to twist his arm) to stop drone operations over Pakistan is enabling the hard core islamists to focus on killing Americans, who happen to be in the process of building more mosques for our supposed friends in the region?

‘Naïve’ Obama Courts Muslim Brotherhood - Global Agenda - News - Israel National News

Israel’s National Security Council thinks that President Barack Obama is naïve in his attitude towards the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood, which stated Sunday it can’t fathom the idea of recognizing Israel.

Dr. Rashad Bayumi, the Brotherhood’s number two leader, said on Sunday, "No Muslim Brotherhood members will engage in any contact or normalization with Israel.”

President Obama has asked the Muslim Brotherhood’s leading jurist, Yusuf al-Qaradawi, to mediate secret talks between the United States and the Taliban, according to The Hindu newspaper. The jurist previously has called for killing U.S. soldiers in Iraq and has vowed that Islam “will conquer Europe [and] will conquer America,” whether by force or by the spread of radical Islam.

why should pakistan go against their fellow muslims. why should they be afraid of hussein?
We Should Attack Pakistan

This was the next logical step if anyone follows our current foreign policy.

Soon... I swear, if you don't play ball with the US, we sanction you or regime change you.

Pakistan's PM Khan Alleges US Trying to Topple His Government

"We got a message from America — oh, not America, I mean a foreign country I can't name," Khan said in the live televised address.

"They say they are angry with Pakistan. ... They say they will forgive Pakistan if Imran Khan loses a no-trust motion. But if the vote fails, Pakistan will have to face serious consequences," Khan said, citing the text of the memo.
Regime change plot fell apart... And here we go again ***** with a country with nukes. The Biden Administration is the most dangerous regime on the planet.

Pakistan’s Imran Khan Blocks No-Confidence Vote, Calls for Elections

Imran Khan Claims This US Diplomat Involved In 'Conspiracy' Against Him
Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan on Sunday named senior US diplomat Donald Lu as the person who was allegedly involved in the "foreign conspiracy" to topple his government through a no-confidence vote tabled by the Opposition.

Addressing a meeting of the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf leaders here after the National Assembly Deputy Speaker rejected the no-trust motion, citing national security, said that during the National Security Committee's meeting, the country's highest security body, it was also noted that a foreign interference was made into the internal politics of the country through a no-confidence motion.
A plan was perpetrated outside Pakistan to interfere into internal politics of the country, adding when the highest national security body confirmed it, it became irrelevant as to how many numbers the opposition had in the assembly, the official APP news agency quoted Khan as saying.

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