Reading newspapers and most periodicals will not give one great in-depth knowledge of the world. Reading books certainly has the ability to do that, if they are the right books. Your whole outlook on intelligence and education is completely unfounded and irrational.But even people who don't get out much can learn tons about the world through reading. It's clear that she doesn't even do that a whole lot.
Obama, who admittedly is inexperienced, is bi-racial, spent part of his childhood in an Asian country, went to elite schools with privileged people, yet worked on the South Side, one of the poorest communities in the country, has a breadth of experience that demonstrates that he can empathize with people who are not like him (i.e., everyone). This is critical when relating to both friends and enemies. That is the difference.
As for BHO, I could care less about the ability to empathize with people.