I have only voted for one or two Republicans in my life... needless-to-say, I am a Yellow Dog Democrat! Having said that, I do not think picking McCain was a terrible move in this election cycle for the GOP. They can't run on the president's coattails and win anything this year. They must have an independent minded guy to win the election and McCain sort-of fits the bill. A year ago, I would have picked Romney or Rudy to be the Elephant's choice but somehow, McCain got the selection. He is boring, he is a flip-flopper, he is more moderate than he is conservative, he still supports what most of you would call Amnesty, he is still not a true social-conservative, and yet, to watch him at the convention, you would have thought Reagan had risen from the dead!
I do think Romney was snubbed by the McCain's and the convention. He is more than likely the 2012 candidate for the GOP. Palin may make some waves but in the end, the GOP always picks the older guys. The Republicans can't win this election unless Obama really stumbles to the finish line. I think he will outspend McCain in some swing states and win this election with ten to thirty electoral votes to spare but it could be a lot closer.