Again, speaking in terms of certainty on matters of faith. This is one of the reasons it is so hard to take anything any spokesperson of religion says seriously.
It's like me saying "There isn't a God" as opposed to saying "I don't believe there is a God".
Again, speaking in terms of certainty on matters of faith. This is one of the reasons it is so hard to take anything any spokesperson of religion says seriously.
It's like me saying "There isn't a God" as opposed to saying "I don't believe there is a God".
Why? It is pretty obvious what God would and would not want you to do based on the teachings of Jesus as written in the Bible isn't it?
Faith is truly a personal experience. Its something that must be revealed to the individual. I believe that there were prophets in days of old. But now there is only individual faith. Do I as a pastor have individual messages for my congregation that I know about before time? NO! I find out this information when someone tells me about it later. I can't cast judgement on anyone. I can only reveal what the Bible says about it, its only up to the individual listening as to believe it or not. As a pastor, "I" have never "saved" anyone. I have lead people there, but I did nothing past that. Thats the Holy Spirits job and He does it well.
Do I have all the answers, NO. I have only what I believe. Do I trust what I believe, YES! Again, faith is a personal experience.
exactly what kind of "assault rifle" was he carrying?
Tell that to the KKK and Timothy McVeigh, or abortion clinic bombers, or machetey wielding priests in Africa. There are basics beliefs of Christianity that all believers must profess in order to be technical Christians...after that it is all interpretation. My point being, what is "obvious" to one Christian may not be obvious to another.
Tell that to the KKK and Timothy McVeigh, or abortion clinic bombers, or machetey wielding priests in Africa. There are basics beliefs of Christianity that all believers must profess in order to be technical Christians...after that it is all interpretation. My point being, what is "obvious" to one Christian may not be obvious to another.
I will go back to my original statement that it is pretty obvious what God would and would not want you to do based on the teachings of Jesus. Some groups and individuals have perverted or simply ignored some teachings while observing others to justify their actions or beliefs and is not consistent with the Christian teachings handed to us from Jesus.
Those examples you mentioned were totally against the teachings of Christ, just as this preachers prayers and sermons were to his church. It is unfortunate that some pervert the Bible to justify their hatred of others but it does happen from time to time.
This is why I am a big believer in being careful what you lay at the feet of God.
Again, smoke and mirrors. You haven't actually addressed how one can talk in certainties on matters that are ultimately a matter of faith. Forgive me for not taking someone seriously for professing to know what a supreme creator of the universe is thinking or how he would react to a specific situation.
Smoke and Mirrors?? rjd, Where in my post did I say anything about how God would react to certain situations? I didn't. I gave you a personal experience, which is what everyone must experience. I truly believe that God has a plan for each individual, do I know what that is? NO! I know what it was for me and me alone.
The only way that I can speak of "certainties" is how it effects me. I know nothing about you, I guess that I have never layed eyes on you. Do I know what God wants for individuals? YES! The Bible teaches that the will of God is for all men to come to repentance and believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God. Can I make this happen? NO! I'm like a farmer, all I can do is plant a seed. God does the watering and the cultivating! We know only what God says through His written word. (B)asic (I)nstructions (B)efore (L)eaving (E)arth.
I will go back to my original statement that it is pretty obvious what God would and would not want you to do based on the teachings of Jesus. Some groups and individuals have perverted or simply ignored some teachings while observing others to justify their actions or beliefs and is not consistent with the Christian teachings handed to us from Jesus.
Those examples you mentioned were totally against the teachings of Christ, just as this preachers prayers and sermons were to his church. It is unfortunate that some pervert the Bible to justify their hatred of others but it does happen from time to time.
This is why I am a big believer in being careful what you lay at the feet of God.
The basic belief in Christianity is that Jesus Christ was born of a virgin, he was cruicified, dead and buried, that on the third day he arose. That He died for forgiveness of sins. That whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. He also said that His greatest commandment was, "to love thy neighbor as thy love thyself."
People can claim to be anything they want to, that does not make it so. Nowhere in the New Testament is any of the things that you mentioned that these people have done is it taught. Where people get these "beliefs" is a mixture of religion and spiritualism. Also taking and twisting what the Word of God actually says, mixing Old Testament teachings with the teaching of Christ. If you read the Bible, Jesus Himself clearly teaches against doing this. On several occasions He would correct the pharisees and sadducees many times on mixing these beliefs.
It's obvious to you, is my point. To others, your views may be seen as a perversion. No?
If they are reading the New Testament you would have to go out of your way to pervert it. The teachings speak for themselves, treat everyone with respect even the lowliest sinner for their sins are no worse than yours, for example.
Possibly. But I contend the ambiguity in the Bible and the nature of its origins makes perversions of any part of the Bible easier than you are letting on.
only if you don't believe in it at all or only believe certain parts.
The way in which most people pervert the Bible is to pick and choose certain parts, usually in the Old Testament and try to blend those teachings with those in the New Testament. If you understand the Biblical reason for the new testament, Christ's teachings and life (Gods new plan for Christians) then most of the ways of the Old Testament are shed (eye for an eye etc) if this had never happened it would resemble Islam in many ways.
only if you don't believe in it at all or only believe certain parts.
The way in which most people pervert the Bible is to pick and choose certain parts, usually in the Old Testament and try to blend those teachings with those in the New Testament. If you understand the Biblical reason for the new testament, Christ's teachings and life (Gods new plan for Christians) then most of the ways of the Old Testament are shed (eye for an eye etc) if this had never happened it would resemble Islam in many ways.