Pat Robertson: Jackass Extraordinaire

Is Pat Robertson a jackass?

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The difference is that some of those folks have legitimate mental problems. These televangelists know full well what they are doing. Stealing money.

I would love to hear from someone that supports any of these idiots. And, as far as I'm concerned, this isn't an anti Christian thing. It's anti guys like Reverend Pat.

Prosperity Pimps - Part 1 - YouTube

I love how this Pastor said it. He got down on them lol. I might agree with everything he said but he hit the nail on the head describing them.

To me these people rank close to Child Molesters on the Human Scum list. These people prey upon the weak and Down Trodden. The Flashy Jewelry they wear. The big Mansions they live in. The fancy cars they drive and the private jets they fly in come from poor and mentally Ill. Little Old Ladies SSI checks and Terminally Ill people's wallet.

How can people like Benny Hinn, lay their heads down at night knowing all their Wealth was gotten with Dirty Money. These people are pimping the message of Christ.
Benny Hinn Actually Autographs Bibles at his events for 30 Bucks or more depending on the event and much worse.

Benny Hinn, false miracles and greediness (4 of 5) - YouTube

Benny Hinn Exposed - YouTube


Christ said to them, "The Scriptures declare, 'My Temple will be called a house of prayer,' but you have turned it into a den of thieves!" Matthew 21:13

For what does it profit a man to gain the whole world and forfeit his life?"
(Mark 8.34-36 ESV)

"The King will reply, 'I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.' Matthew 25:40

Tell me how a man like this really believe in Christ and a Judgment Day doing the things he does?
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Thanks for posting those videos. I guess he forgets to wear his WWJD bracelet.

Amazing he gets by saying those things and people still send him money.

To me this sums this and Religion in general up best.

MercatorNet: Can evolution explain religion?

Religion is a natural result of our evolution as a Species.

Is man an image of God or is God a human invention? Leaving aside whether you’re a believer or not, it’s interesting to ask why so many people believe in God. Can we learn anything from biology?

We are the only animals who are aware that they’re going to die. In many respects, being human is all about realizing that one day life will end.

Is the belief in life after death a way of dealing with this?

Religion is a universal human phenomenon. You find creation myths in all cultures, explanations of life and death, the truly great questions. And many people turn to religion to seek meaning in existence, particularly in times of grief.

If religion exists in all cultures, is it inborn? Inherited? Can evolution explain why religion exists?

You can see religion as something that cements society together. It increases a group’s survival chances by improving cohesion and co-operation. The better a group co-operates, the better adapted it is to its environment compared to those who are outside the group. This requires a system of morals, a common view of what’s right and wrong. Religion provides the guiding rules. One example is the golden rule of Christianity.

But the golden rule says you should behave altruistically, that you should treat others as you would wish to be treated yourself. How can that favor the individual?

It works well provided you’re among people who think the way you do. It reinforces the group and hence the individual’s chances of survival. People help each other. When you care about the others in the group a we-feeling is created and this acts as a protective barrier against the ‘others. Small communities can work in self-organizing ways thanks to religion. Take small hunter–gatherer communities, for example. People are very careful to divide the catch fairly.”

So, religion ensures that we behave decently to each other because of its traditions and rules? It ensures that we don’t just think of ourselves?

You can see religion as a means of protecting people from their own egoism.
Also as society has advanced these traits has taken on other forms outside of Religion. Gangs, Political Parties, Social Classes, Racists groups, heck even in Music, Film and other Art Forms. Dead Heads, Juggalos, Kiss Army, Trekkies, Tokken Trolls etc etc

We have evolved a Brain that has figured out Space Travel , Splitting of the Atom, Agriculture, Architecture, Artificial Intelligence, Music, Film, Medicine etc. However just like other primates we are still social animals. Watch footage of The Outlaws attacking a Hell's Angel Gathering and watch footage of a of family of chimps attacking another group outside their territory. Its the same other than one having more advanced tools
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Although mostly unreligious myself, I have no problem with other people worshipping however they want. My problem is people that harm others in the process of practicing religion. I believe Pat Robertson is hurtful to American Society.
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Although mostly unreligious myself, I have no problem with other people worshipping however they want. My problem is people that harm others in the process of practicing religion. I believe Pat Robertson is hurtful to American Society.

Oh without question. I detest what Men like him do because they prey upon the Weak and Sick. They are Sociopaths plan and simple. They preach the virtues of giving, but practice Greed and Deception.

They seem to be without the quality Christ preached and practiced most. Empathy
Honestly I have no idea. How are Men like Benny Hinn, Jimmy Swaggart, and Paul Crouch still in business.

Some people just can't resist a good Snake Oil pitch.

TBN used to have one of the largest networks in the world. Not sure where they stand these days. Conway Twitty's old homestead that was converted into Trinity City used to draw crowds from all over. People eager to give their cash away. Spoke to someone who used yo work there who told me Benny Hinn would show up in his limo and they would roll out the carpet for him (literally) from his limo to the steps. If it was raining his minions would line up along the carpet holding umbrellas. Tifwiw.
To me this sums this and Religion in general up best.

MercatorNet: Can evolution explain religion?

Religion is a natural result of our evolution as a Species.

Is man an image of God or is God a human invention? Leaving aside whether you’re a believer or not, it’s interesting to ask why so many people believe in God. Can we learn anything from biology?

We are the only animals who are aware that they’re going to die. In many respects, being human is all about realizing that one day life will end.

Is the belief in life after death a way of dealing with this?

Religion is a universal human phenomenon. You find creation myths in all cultures, explanations of life and death, the truly great questions. And many people turn to religion to seek meaning in existence, particularly in times of grief.

If religion exists in all cultures, is it inborn? Inherited? Can evolution explain why religion exists?

You can see religion as something that cements society together. It increases a group’s survival chances by improving cohesion and co-operation. The better a group co-operates, the better adapted it is to its environment compared to those who are outside the group. This requires a system of morals, a common view of what’s right and wrong. Religion provides the guiding rules. One example is the golden rule of Christianity.

But the golden rule says you should behave altruistically, that you should treat others as you would wish to be treated yourself. How can that favor the individual?

It works well provided you’re among people who think the way you do. It reinforces the group and hence the individual’s chances of survival. People help each other. When you care about the others in the group a we-feeling is created and this acts as a protective barrier against the ‘others. Small communities can work in self-organizing ways thanks to religion. Take small hunter–gatherer communities, for example. People are very careful to divide the catch fairly.”

So, religion ensures that we behave decently to each other because of its traditions and rules? It ensures that we don’t just think of ourselves?

You can see religion as a means of protecting people from their own egoism.

I think that is an over-complicated analysis. Ockham's Razor: the simplest answer is normally the best.

I posted this a couple days ago in the other thread:

At the most rudimentary level, religion is religion. There really is no difference. They are just different ways of achieving the same ends. A different way of escaping the horrors and suffering of our reality. The dilemma of having a big enough brain to question, but not big enough to answer all of life's challenging questions.

Oh, and these quotes:

"Religion is the opiate of the people" ~ Karl Marx

"Man created God in his own image" ~ Ludwig Feuerbach
Uh oh. You gonna get harassed for quoting Karl Marx!

I know, the horror! Then again, we have posters who believe Obama is the reincarnation of Marx. Which is quite insulting to Marx.

It is actually not a precise direct quote, but I don't believe anyone on here would know that besides TRUT.
I know, the horror! Then again, we have posters who believe Obama is the reincarnation of Marx. Which is quite insulting to Marx.

It is actually not a precise direct quote, but I don't believe anyone on here would know that besides TRUT. have to be right
The difference is that some of those folks have legitimate mental problems. These televangelists know full well what they are doing. Stealing money.

I would love to hear from someone that supports any of these idiots. And, as far as I'm concerned, this isn't an anti Christian thing. It's anti guys like Reverend Pat.

I think what these people do is utterly disgusting... but how is it theft?
I think what these people do is utterly disgusting... but how is it theft?

How is convincing elderly ladies to send you money to release funds, a la the African wire transfer scam, illegal? The only difference is the promise of money in return or eternal salvation.
The thing that gets me is these men of God tell you that if you want to give back to God that the money needs to go through them. I've never understood That if you want to be blessed by the prosperity Gospel that you have to give to their lavish lifestyle. I'm not sure ,but I think where scripture talks about some will say ,Lord we prophesied in your name and did many wonders in your name and even cast out Demons in your name and Jesus says to them, depart from me, I never knew you. This might apply to these preachers.
The thing that gets me is these men of God tell you that if you want to give back to God that the money needs to go through them. I've never understood That if you want to be blessed by the prosperity Gospel that you have to give to their lavish lifestyle. I'm not sure ,but I think where scripture talks about some will say ,Lord we prophesied in your name and did many wonders in your name and even cast out Demons in your name and Jesus says to them, depart from me, I never knew you. This might apply to these preachers.

I'm not sure, but i'll probably be face down begging for mercy when the Lord returns.
I won't beg. He can strike me down whenever he wants.

The people at the top of the twin towers never dreamed that they would ever consider jumping from such a great height, but when the heat and flames hit them they didn't think twice about it.

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