To me this sums this and Religion in general up best.
MercatorNet: Can evolution explain religion?
Religion is a natural result of our evolution as a Species.
Is man an image of God or is God a human invention? Leaving aside whether youre a believer or not, its interesting to ask why so many people believe in God. Can we learn anything from biology?
We are the only animals who are aware that theyre going to die. In many respects, being human is all about realizing that one day life will end.
Is the belief in life after death a way of dealing with this?
Religion is a universal human phenomenon. You find creation myths in all cultures, explanations of life and death, the truly great questions. And many people turn to religion to seek meaning in existence, particularly in times of grief.
If religion exists in all cultures, is it inborn? Inherited? Can evolution explain why religion exists?
You can see religion as something that cements society together. It increases a groups survival chances by improving cohesion and co-operation. The better a group co-operates, the better adapted it is to its environment compared to those who are outside the group. This requires a system of morals, a common view of whats right and wrong. Religion provides the guiding rules. One example is the golden rule of Christianity.
But the golden rule says you should behave altruistically, that you should treat others as you would wish to be treated yourself. How can that favor the individual?
It works well provided youre among people who think the way you do. It reinforces the group and hence the individuals chances of survival. People help each other. When you care about the others in the group a we-feeling is created and this acts as a protective barrier against the others. Small communities can work in self-organizing ways thanks to religion. Take small huntergatherer communities, for example. People are very careful to divide the catch fairly.
So, religion ensures that we behave decently to each other because of its traditions and rules? It ensures that we dont just think of ourselves?
You can see religion as a means of protecting people from their own egoism.