According to the Rutgers study, there were over 40 million "registered" two-wheel motor-vehicles in India in 2002 and it was growing at an almost exponential rate. Further, according to the Rutgers study:
Personally, I put more weight on (1), (3), and (5)-(7), plus the fact that many who are being hit are not in the least protected (i.e., they are on motorcycles, bikes, and/or walking and are not wearing any protective equipment) and that first responder services in India are not very responsive. That said, this study does support my contention that there are a ****-ton of motorcycles in India (40 million registered in 2002 (only accounts for those motorcycles that are registered which is not a requirement outside of the major cities), plus another 60 million since 2005 which only accounts for those produced domestically) and that traffic laws are not enforced.