Pathetic announcers on tv

I thought the announcers were fine. They complimented both teams and showed UT's new facilities.

As a fan base, we are way too sensitive.
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Well, they were right for the 1st half.

WKU scored 2 consecutive TDs and were only 2 possessions away from coming back. They nailed it especially after croom dropped that easy pass. Even I acknowledged that our WR tandem was young and a possible comeback was afoot.

I don't get the complaining.
mark may is an idiot.4 minutes left,he was saying wku still had time to come back.(exaggeration)

he's still an idiot but andre ware is an idiot.

There's only one thing similar between Mark May and Andre Ware...

...and that's the size of their vaginas.
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Ware really seemed to be rooting for WKU. He got excited when they had a good drive and seemed pissed everytime they turned if over.
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The first INT was a gift. The 4 that came after was caused by the defense. The next two INT's (both in the end zone) that happened were terrible decisions by the WKU QB, but still, UT had to make those plays.

Overall, I'd say 1 turnover was a gift.

I agree. And the two that were bad decisions by their QB was because Randolph baited him into making the throw when he knew where to be to make the pick.

People have underestimated just how good Randolph is and will continue to get. He will be starting on Sundays in the future. Enjoy him while he is here. He was the eraser for Wilcox and a major reason last's year's D went bust without him.
A couple of other posters have said it, but it was simply to keep viewers. It's called revenue and without it these games aren't on TV.

This place looks for reasons to get their panties in a wad.
They were trying to keep an audience on a nationally televised game.

This. Hilarious that people get angry and question the professionalism of TV announcers, newspaper columnists, etc., when they say something that isn't pure praise for the Vols.
I'm not sure what all the fuss is about. 75% of the posters on here were carrying WKUs water all week saying this game would be close and implying that Petrino was a superior coach to what we have in CBJ. Why does it upset you guys when commentators that are trying to keep an audience for a game echo the same sentiment. BTW- I picked us to win by 21 so even I undersold the Vols.
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This. Hilarious that people get angry and question the professionalism of TV announcers, newspaper columnists, etc., when they say something that isn't pure praise for the Vols.

I used to think that it was funny too. now it is embarrassing. It is sad that so much of the TN fan-base plays the victim card.
I usually love that announce team but ware was just annoying today
Somewhat related... We had to go to my sons football game at halftime. When we got in the car I tuned in Kesling and he was completely butchering the first half recap.

Example - said WKU blocked a field goal not a punt.

Nice Bob. Real nice.
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I used to think that it was funny too. now it is embarrassing. It is sad that so much of the TN fan-base plays the victim card.

Also sad when one fan criticizes the fandom of another. I bleed orange. I get mad if the commentators don't praise my team. I believe ESPN hates us. I mute the TV and listen to the Vol Network and every loss cuts me to the quick because I believe we are supposed to win every game. That's how I choose to be a fan. I don't expect to change any time soon.
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On the halftime show of the georgia/cockies game they showed an on field post game interview by the woman on field reporter. She asked something like how did you get your players to play so hard and Coach Butch said he would like to thank Mark May for putting the Vols on upset alert earlier in the week. Of course the show had granny Clampett and Mr. May himself as the commentators. The look on Mark's face was priceless.
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Tried to order the PPV game...$120 + taxes...went with ESPN3 and on a 24 inch monitor it was outstanding to watch. Did not care who was announcing, just gald to see the game. I turned off the volume and listened to Johm Ward.
Tried to order the PPV game...$120 + taxes...went with ESPN3 and on a 24 inch monitor it was outstanding to watch. Did not care who was announcing, just gald to see the game. I turned off the volume and listened to Johm Ward.
You could hear John Ward doing the game? I'm thinking you may have slipped into the twilight zone.
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I enjoyed ware saying UT has had some really good TEs the last few years like Rivera and Jason Witten.....
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I wasn't upset they weren't praising tennessee. Just how upset ware seemed over us winning. Didn't think however of the viewer part, maybe that's what it was
I thought the announcers did a pretty good job. They praised each team as they were doing well. One, kept saying WKU is still in it a bit, but I get that. Gotta try to keep the WKU fans interested and watching. Don't know how Bob's announcing went. I gave him ten years to improve. He didn't, haven't listened to him since.
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Tim Priest is the one I listen to. I have to laugh when he gets so excited / disgusted and doesn't even try to hide it.
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Did they not give UT's defense credit for any of the turnovers? The first two interceptions were legit giveaways by WKU, but the 2 fumbles and the third INT where their QB got drilled as he was throwing it were all at least partially, if not completely forced by our defense.

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