Peeing on the enemy.

For me at least, the "outrage" has nothing to do with the morality of the act. It has to do with someone who is a de facto representative of me acting like a complete idiot.

It's like walking down the middle of a street in Mumbai wearing a t-shirt with an American flag on the front and "Buddha is a fat bastard" on the back. Yeah, it's pretty much true and is not immoral, but anyone with a clue knows it's going to incite.

I see this as a valid analogy (sans the 'incite' part if that implies inciting violence; the Taliban and the al-Qaeda apologists and supporters in Afghanistan already want to kill as many of our troops as is possible and they will when they have the opportunity regardless of what type of wider justification they think they have). These Marines have shown themselves to be classless morons who do not have the least clue about what exactly our greater mission is in Afghanistan (even though that mission is wholly un-achievable). Whatever key leaders were involved in said act should be removed from their leadership positions.
I would rather be pissed on and defecated on than shot and killed. Once the soul has left the body, the remaining carcass is nothing more than waste.

The point is the Marines wouldn't have pissed on them if they didn't think it meant anything. To you it doesn't mean anything, but I'm looking at the intent.
It is deplorable. Men and women in uniform should be held to a higher standard in the US. TRUT if it were a family member that would still be your reaction? You honestly scare the crap out of me. I hope that you cannot honestly believe these things you say sometimes. I hope that when you die people will treat your body with more decency and respect than it sounds like you would treat theirs. Or at least argue for Men who treasure none of these things that moral individuals should and do. The should be NJPed or Court Martialled and given a proper punishment

I agree with TRUT... they're just husks. It almost seems barbaric how much we honor corpses. When I die, just harvest my organs and burn me. Burials, caskets, and grave plots are a waste. I've no qualms with honoring the name and memory of the dead, but human obsession with dead bodies has always confused me.

Regardless, I don't see the point in pissing on a corpse of something you just killed. Seems pointless and stupid. I'm sure "the enemy" just loves seeing stories like these. Pretty reckless, if you ask me.

It was both juvenile and ill-advised; however, I have a hard time seeing it as somehow morally wrong. Their actions will probably be used to justify an attack against more US troops and State Department personnel in Afghanistan; however, those attacks were going to take place anyway.

These Marines are morons, no doubt; aside from that, though, this is not some immoral act that should lead to outrage.
For me the issue is the unintended consequences. If this act serves to make some more talibs decide to jihad then those marines are potentially responsible for the loss of more lives. As 7th can tell better than anyone else this fight is not just about killing TB or AQ ...
For me the issue is the unintended consequences. If this act serves to make some more talibs decide to jihad then those marines are potentially responsible for the loss of more lives. As 7th can tell better than anyone else this fight is not just about killing TB or AQ ...

Things that I see as drivers of terrorist 'recruiting' in Afghanistan/Pakistan:

1. Destroying the poppy crop.
2. Killing children who are gathering firewood.
3. Attacking a Pakistani border station.
49. Drinking alcohol in country.
50. Pissing on the corpses of persons you have already killed.
Unless You‘ve Been Shot at by the Taliban ’Shut Your Mouth, War Is Hell’: Allen West Weighs in on Urinating Marine Scandal |

Rep. Allen West (R-FL), a former Army lieutenant colonel, sent The Weekly Standard an email commenting on a recent video depicting what appears to be four U.S. Marines urinating on the corpses of Taliban terrorists. The email reads as follows [emphases added]:

"I have sat back and assessed the incident with the video of our Marines urinating on Taliban corpses. I do not recall any self-righteous indignation when our Delta snipers Shugart and Gordon had their bodies dragged through Mogadishu. Neither do I recall media outrage and condemnation of our Blackwater security contractors being killed, their bodies burned, and hung from a bridge in Fallujah.

All these over-emotional pundits and armchair quarterbacks need to chill. Does anyone remember the two Soldiers from the 101st Airborne Division who were beheaded and gutted in Iraq?

The Marines were wrong. Give them a maximum punishment under field grade level Article 15 (non-judicial punishment), place a General Officer level letter of reprimand in their personnel file, and have them in full dress uniform stand before their Battalion, each personally apologize to God, Country, and Corps videotaped and conclude by singing the full US Marine Corps Hymn without a teleprompter.

As for everyone else, unless you have been shot at by the Taliban, shut your mouth, war is hell."
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Is it just me, or is it fairly easy to spot posters that have never been in the military?

To those that think this was an immoral, unjustified act; you are correct. However, when you are fighting an enemy that is not bound by any rules of war you have to sometimes step out of the confines of those rules yourself. We are bound by the rules of the Geneva Conference Agreement. The taliban, al quaeda, and other political/religious groups are not.

I find it amusing that most of you are offended by these acts while the people we are fighting think we are weak because these acts are the exception rather than the norm.
Is it just me, or is it fairly easy to spot posters that have never been in the military?

To those that think this was an immoral, unjustified act; you are correct. However, when you are fighting an enemy that is not bound by any rules of war you have to sometimes step out of the confines of those rules yourself. We are bound by the rules of the Geneva Conference Agreement. The taliban, al quaeda, and other political/religious groups are not.

I find it amusing that most of you are offended by these acts while the people we are fighting think we are weak because these acts are the exception rather than the norm.
Im not nearly as offended by the act as I am offended that people are that stupid.
Im not nearly as offended by the act as I am offended that people are that stupid.

This. We've all seen Full Metal Jacket, we know what happens, but it still reflects poorly on the country.

Bill Maher had a good line last night about "Forcibly occupying Afghanistan for ten years is one thing, but taking a leak on a couple dead Al Qaeda is TOO FAR."
Exactly what I thought, also knew gs would be reposting it.

Not surprised at all that you also think of Col. West as a scumbag, fortunately the majority of the voters in his congressional district think differently than you and unreal.

"My philosophy has always been to attack the post and not the poster."

Americans cheered Gen. Patton when he urinated on the enemy | Fellowship of the Minds

The last soldier I heard of urinating on the enemy was Gen. George S. Patton. Should the general, who, as much as any other, was responsible for defeating the Nazis, have been driven from the military for such an act? You’d think so from the hysteric response building in the mainstream and Left-leaning press to a video allegedly showing marines urinating on dead Taliban fighters. Presuming it’s authentic, such reaction is absurd.

We send these young men out to kill and maim their enemy. That means snuffing out their life, with all the heartbreak and tragedy involved. They usually do this with bullets that rip and tear; or larger projectiles like grenades, artillery shells, or air-dropped bombs which can shred or disintegrate a body. Often fire is involved. Is urinating on a dead body worse?

Gen. Patton did his public urinating not on a dead body but into the enemy’s most famous river, The Rhine. His Third Army was the first Allied army to cross it and take the war on the ground past that last German barrier. A photographer caught the act as Patton stood in the middle of a pontoon bridge and directed his stream defiantly into the enemy’s larger one – like a dog marking its territory. War is a dirty business, with minimum rules for the living, notably the Geneva Convention, prisoner of war dictates the Taliban, by the way, does not recognize. But as repugnant as they may be to some, there are no rules for the dead, for that is the point of war.
Not surprised at all that you also think of Col. West as a scumbag, fortunately the majority of the voters in his congressional district think differently than you and unreal.

West decided to physically assault an unarmed, enemy combatant who posed no direct threat. West has maintained that he did the right thing; meanwhile, the CoC removed him from his command and effectively ended his career. The majority of the voters in his district are morons who probably think that stuff is cool because they have never seen actual combat.

Patton pissed in a river...stretch much?
WOW...WOW...sad state that some of you are in. Cant even believe there is an arguement here. I have lost hope in the human part of humanity with some of you.
I don't have a problem with it. The more they kill and the more they piss on these low lifes the better. The Taliban routinely rape, kill innocent people, and are the type that bomb American buildings, etc.

I shudder to think what they would do to any one of us if given the opportunity.

Keep up the good work. It is soldiers like you that protect our freedom and enable us to sit here and debate about such actions.

God bless American and God bless those fine American soldiers pissing on s dead enemy.
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I don't have a problem with it. The more they kill and the more they piss on these low lifes the better. The Taliban routinely rape, kill innocent people, and are the type that bomb American buildings, etc.

I shudder to think what they would do to any one of us if given the opportunity.

Keep up the good work. It is soldiers like you that protect our freedom and enable us to sit here and debate about such actions.

God bless American and God bless those fine American soldiers pissing on s dead enemy.


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