Pennington: 50/50 split on needing to dump Rocky Top

Should UT stop using "Rocky Top"?

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Atom Wrangler
Aug 15, 2010
I've heard some dumb offseason stuff...but good night.

His reasoning? It "makes us look like dumb, inbred hillbillies." UT should dump it and play "a fast version of the Tennessee Waltz."

Claims every time he brings it up its a 50/50 split when it comes to getting rid of Rocky Top.

I wish I were kidding.

I bring it up mainly to see if there is truly even a small percentage of the fanbase wanting to get rid of Rocky Top. Have at it.
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you think changig the uniforms will piss off the blue hair's....try taking away Rocky Top, there will be a full blown riot across the state.
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I'm thinking the only people wanting to get rid of Rocky Top is the fans of opposing teams. Rocky Top really irritates the Vol haters. IMO, that's all the more reason to keep it. :rock:
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I love sounding like an inbred hillbilly if that's what it sounds like. Which Pennington are we talking about?
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Is this Mr. SEC we're talking about? If so, isn't he an Arkansas fan? With all the "Pig Sioux" and such? And he says our chants/fight songs make us look ridiculous?

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OP, add the voting option to the thread. Just to see. I guarantee that there will be at least 5 ppl that want to get rid of it...

They think when Kiffin left that it was bad? Try taking away Rocky Top, and whole Matress Warehouses will burn. We'll make the Chicago Riots look like a elementary school fight in the bathroom...

Pennington's just trying for press, I assume. No way it's 50/50
Instead of taking away Rocky Top...someone should take away Pennington's microphone, tv camera, pen and paper, keyboard, soap box, and anything else that allows him to to be seen or heard by the general public.
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I'm thinking the only people wanting to get rid of Rocky Top is the fans of opposing teams. Rocky Top really irritates the Vol haters. IMO, that's all the more reason to keep it. :rock:

Also, opposing coaches that play it through speakers at practice when they prepare to come to Neyland...Long Live Rocky Top!!!
I have had many rival fans over the years tell me what a great, distinctive fight song it is. In an era where teams do everything possible to maximize their "exposure" and their "brand," there is no way we would get rid of what is probably the most widely recognizable fight song in the country.
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I've heard some dumb offseason stuff...but good night.

His reasoning? It "makes us look like dumb, inbred hillbillies." UT should dump it and play "a fast version of the Tennessee Waltz."

Claims every time he brings it up its a 50/50 split in favor of getting rid of Rocky Top.

I wish I were kidding.

I bring it up mainly to see if there is truly even a small percentage of the fanbase wanting to get rid of Rocky Top. Have at it.
Us? Look like dumb, inbred hillbillies? I'm sorry..... inbread hillbillies. Come on!
Probably going to get blasted for this, but here are my thoughts on Rocky Top.
Love the song, love the tradition. Like it pregame. Wish they would play after TDs and then play a well known musical phrase from the song after the extra point is made. However, wish it wasn't played so least not played in it's entirety. This is a minor gripe, really. Because nothing was better than running up huge scores and hearing it all night long.
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