Pentagon Considering Ground Troops in Syria



God-Emperor of Politics
Jan 3, 2009
Great, that will fix everything and it won't cost but a penny. Why didn't I think of that?

We have to get those pu55y's out of hiding to fight. The US military doesn't work for Obama anymore, time to kick ass and take names.
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This is ignorant....

This shows desperation and the fact that paid mercenaries are being defeated, imo. Putin has red lines that he will deliver on....Syria being one(proven). Iran, and more NATO encroachment being others. This will be a huge mistake of it comes to fruition...

It's no secret we are fighting to oust Assad and not ISIS, at all cost...
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Would be considerably cheaper to just nuke the country and start over. All the refugees have fled so all that's left is idiots and belligerents. Can't trust any of them because they'll fight whoever suits them that day. Assad sucks, ISIS sucks, the rebels would suck if they ever won.
This is ignorant....

This shows desperation and the fact that paid mercenaries are being defeated, imo. Putin has red lines that he will deliver on....Syria being one(proven). Iran, and more NATO encroachment being others. This will be a huge mistake of it comes to fruition...

It's no secret we are fighting to oust Assad and not ISIS, at all cost...

Syria has historically always been a horrible place. There accounts of how brutal they were in the Bible. Assad has been the one keeping the crazies in line just as Saddam did in Iraq. If the US gets rid of him then the Middle East will become a lot more dangerous.
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IDK why this would be a good recommendation. The Russians and the Assad regime are about to wage a scorched earth war against the rebels and ISIS.
Syria has historically always been a horrible place. There accounts of how brutal they were in the Bible. Assad has been the one keeping the crazies in line just as Saddam did in Iraq. If the US gets rid of him then the Middle East will become a lot more dangerous.

It may be a horrible place, but it's at the top of the geopolitical game...along with Iran. Whoever controls the resources of the ME will eat high on the hog...

Agree...the US and Europe aren't dealing with migrant and extremism issues had people like Saddam and Gaddafi remain in place. That alone should tell people that removing leaders that fight extremism(like Assad) is huge mistake...
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You know, it's an easy fix.

Americans build the best precision rifles on the planet. And have the best marksmen on the planet.

I'd prefer to use our intel to find out where these turds are, drop in some sniper teams and have them dispense some match grade justice. And if their location gets keyed in on? Have a couple of A-10s or AC-130 on call to "assist."

Problem solved and done on the cheap. Match grade ammo? .308? About $1.50 a round. .300 Win Mag? About $2 a round. .338 Lapua? Little more expensive at $6-7 a round. .50 BMG? $6 a round for the good Hornady stuff.

Look on ISIS face when their comrades start dropping and they can't see who's shooting at them? Priceless.
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If you are a foreign policy expert in here raise your hand......

I am waiting..........

Fact of the matter is Counterinsurgency operations have so many different dynamics to consider. Based upon all the operational factors that are in play, a military option may indeed be the best option available. The primary intent in Syria should be the fight against ISIS (regardless of who supports/supported them and the other actors who are agents for instability in the region). Failed states have a habit of spilling over across borders. If the neighbors of said failed states can not provide a secure environment for their state, then the violence and instability will follow into that country. Now you don't have a failed state, you have a regional security issue. Issues with regional stability is a problem for everyone in the international community.

inb4 the Russian apologists say we will attack Russia. inb4 the liberal blame Trump for the issue Obama created. inb4 the libertarians and An-Cap crowd say we should stay out of it because it doesn't directly affect America.

The fact of the matter is that whether or not we want to get involved we have to get involved. Historically speaking, when we have left failed states alone to deal with asymmetric actors, we have dealt with it later (i.e. GWOT). At this point, it doesn't matter if Assad is a bad guy. You can hold states accountable. What is much worse is a group of fanatics that want to destroy the western world, that cant be held accountable. They have no legitimate borders, economy, or assets.

I am a libertarian on most issues minus foreign policy. Isolationism does not work if you are a super power. You have an obligation to ensure peace and tranquility in the international community. The reason being is that it all affects your domestic policy and your economic system if not. Trade partners are affected. Refugees wanting in your borders because of how your country is set up. There are a plethora of different aspects that affect us just in this one situation. Having spent the past 15 1/2 yrs in the intelligence community has taught me a great deal on geopolitics and counterinsurgency theory. I am all for ground troops in Syria so long as we are fighting ISIS. I will volunteer to go, if given the opportunity. The only opinion I will half way respect in here on this issue is YorkVol. He has probably forgotten more than what I know when it comes to intelligence and geopolitics.
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So if this is true...... wtf is actually going on in Syria that we should be concerned with?

Actions like this aren't taken lightly..... what is it that we don't know?
Brilliant. While they are there they can look around for WMD. Maybe that's where Saddam hid them.

I love it when you speak on issues that you have no idea about. The bad part is, that you were prior service. You know there was more to the WMD situation than what was reported in the news. My first deployment to Iraq was with the Exploitation Task Force that was charged with searching for the WMDs. Here in 2053, when it becomes declassified, I will tell you the truth.
So if this is true...... wtf is actually going on in Syria that we should be concerned with?

Actions like this aren't taken lightly..... what is it that we don't know?

Instability and due to that a permissive environment in which ISIS can train, operated, and resupply from. Not many in the international community have addressed this issue. No one wants to be bogged down in a counter insurgency campaign again. Iraq and Afghanistan cost a lot of money.

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