Pentagon Considering Ground Troops in Syria

sad that you are calling the people of Syria terrorists. Assad started the mess and only started using the word terrorism when he was losing and no one would come help him.

Sad that you still believe Assad started this...or that we play the role of humanitarian peace keepers...

Or not believe we wouldn't do ANYTHING to remove him. We are supporting the militants that fight Assad. We don't even try to hide it anymore...breaking international law and threatening to bypass international organizations to remove an elected leader...

No American in their right mind should support sending ground troops to Syria...
Sad that you still believe Assad started this...or that we play the role of humanitarian peace keepers...

Or not believe we wouldn't do ANYTHING to remove him. We are supporting the militants that fight Assad. We don't even try to hide it anymore...breaking international law and threatening to bypass international organizations to remove an elected leader...

No American in their right mind should support sending ground troops to Syria...

I am still incredibly against us being involved over there. go back and look at my first post on the first page, 50 per. we shouldn't be involved, we shouldn't be sending people, money or weapons over there. except to MAYBE the kurds.

Timeline of Syria's raging war | | Al Jazeera

this started as protests, turned into civil war when the government got violent, turned into a terrorist situation after Assad releases a bunch of connected prisoners (you guys never touch this), and then turns international. Assad had to keep escalating the situation to maintain any argument for his control.
I am still incredibly against us being involved over there. go back and look at my first post on the first page, 50 per. we shouldn't be involved, we shouldn't be sending people, money or weapons over there. except to MAYBE the kurds.

Timeline of Syria's raging war | | Al Jazeera

this started as protests, turned into civil war when the government got violent, turned into a terrorist situation after Assad releases a bunch of connected prisoners (you guys never touch this), and then turns international. Assad had to keep escalating the situation to maintain any argument for his control.

These protests were orchestrated by the CIA and Israeli intelligence. Assad did what any leader would do(except Yanukovich in Ukraine)...he acted against violent protesters with violence...

Western media twisted this into a brutal they always do....riding side-cart on the American global agenda...

The protest didn't get the answer that we wanted....thus, the arming of Al-Qaeda and Al-Nusra...and here we are...

No American should be made to put their life on the line for this! This has to stop!
These protests were orchestrated by the CIA and Israeli intelligence. Assad did what any leader would do(except Yanukovich in Ukraine)...he acted against violent protesters with violence...

Western media twisted this into a brutal they always do....riding side-cart on the American global agenda...

The protest didn't get the answer that we wanted....thus, the arming of Al-Qaeda and Al-Nusra...and here we are...

No American should be made to put their life on the line for this! This has to stop!

agreed but it has nothing to do with the above. how can you deny that Syria was in pretty ****ty condition? Long drought, Sednaya prison (which you still won't address), Assad disrespecting the military and the commanders from his dad's time.

early on there was no terrorism, then Assad lets some prisoners go, that we gave him, and then they come back leading the local terrorists and things go sideways. but somehow the terrorists really only go after anti-government groups, ignoring government held territory. almost like they had a deal. this allows Assad to build up, drum up international support and then take the lead.

also funny what you said about Yanukovich. Feels like a Meatloaf song. Everyone would do this, but Yanukovich just won't do that.
These protests were orchestrated by the CIA and Israeli intelligence. Assad did what any leader would do(except Yanukovich in Ukraine)...he acted against violent protesters with violence...

Western media twisted this into a brutal they always do....riding side-cart on the American global agenda...

The protest didn't get the answer that we wanted....thus, the arming of Al-Qaeda and Al-Nusra...and here we are...

No American should be made to put their life on the line for this! This has to stop!

The moment you called Assad an “elected” leader, is the moment anyone with a brain, ignored the rest of your nonsense.

No we should not send troops over to Syria. This is the scum you and your boy Putin prop up.
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The moment you called Assad an “elected” leader, is the moment anyone with a brain, ignored the rest of your nonsense.

No we should not send troops over to Syria. This is the scum you and your boy Putin prop up.

Human slaughterhouse: Mass hangings and extermination at Saydnaya prison, Syria

You're halfway there...

Supporting our government and media is the other half...these people aren't fools and know how to pull the patriot strings...

Get outside that box...
These protests were orchestrated by the CIA and Israeli intelligence. Assad did what any leader would do(except Yanukovich in Ukraine)...he acted against violent protesters with violence...

Western media twisted this into a brutal they always do....riding side-cart on the American global agenda...

The protest didn't get the answer that we wanted....thus, the arming of Al-Qaeda and Al-Nusra...and here we are...

No American should be made to put their life on the line for this! This has to stop!
Amazing how they can turn an ophthalmologist into an evil dictator.
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Sad that you still believe Assad started this...or that we play the role of humanitarian peace keepers...

Or not believe we wouldn't do ANYTHING to remove him. We are supporting the militants that fight Assad. We don't even try to hide it anymore...breaking international law and threatening to bypass international organizations to remove an elected leader...

No American in their right mind should support sending ground troops to Syria...

Elected :eek:lol:
So is this what we got troops there for? To "protect" the oil and rob the banks?

US-Backed Forces Seize Syrian Commercial Bank In Oil-Rich Northeast Province

U.S.-backed forces have seized a Syrian Commercial Bank branch in the Al-Hasakah Governorate, as they expelled all the employees inside the building and established full control over the site. The Syrian Commercial Bank is the largest commercial bank in Syria and is state-owned, headquartered in Damascus. Since 2011 it's been under US and EU sanctions.
Hmmm... so what will this mean for those 900 US "peace keepers" in NE Syria?

Turkey's Erdogan seeking a meeting with Assad and Putin

“We want to take a tripartite step as Syria-Turkey-Russia,” Erdogan told reporters during his return from Turkmenistan, adding that the three countries' defense and foreign ministers could come together first.

“Following their meetings, let us get together as the leaders. I offered this to Mr. Putin and he received it positively. Thus, a series of contacts would be launched.” he said, referring to a Dec. 11 phone call between the two leaders.

Hmmm... so what will this mean for those 900 US "peace keepers" in NE Syria?

Turkey's Erdogan seeking a meeting with Assad and Putin

So wait... you mean the United States lied?

US & Syria Have Been Holding Secret Talks In Oman | ZeroHedge

During the talks, Syrian officials mainly pressed for the complete withdrawal of US occupation troops from the country. According to field sources that spoke with The Cradle, around 2,000 American military personnel are present at any given time in Syrian territory across 22 US bases – a figure higher than the Pentagon’s official count of 900 troops.

Syria’s return to occupy its seat at the Arab League is primarily an Arab matter.

Foreigners can complain and protest all they want; the Arabs no longer pay attention to them.

Particularly, the Arabs don’t listen to foreigners who have played a destructive role in the Arab world over recent decades.

If they are interested in win-win relations, foreigners, especially those who appear to be interested in keeping the region in a permanent state of chaos and conflicts for their own selfish gains, should adjust their policies and align their interests with those of the region — not the other way round.

Plus, coming and trying to lecture the Arabs on “human rights”, while their own human rights record is dismal, won’t get foreigners any points. It only elicits derision and exposes their double standards.

The world is no longer in early 1990s or even early 2020s; the Arabs see through the foreign officials’ hypocrisy and don’t accept condescension, especially from those whose policies have been detrimental to regional stability and prosperity.

Some foreign officials are unaware that they behave amateurishly and sound crude. They seem to lack essential understanding of world affairs and basic diplomatic etiquette; they obviously need re-education and re-training.

Arab officials are a lot more sophisticated and educated than many of their foreign counterparts. Perhaps, Arab officials should offer to give them training on the art of diplomacy and world affairs.

The US is not only illegally occupying NE Syria, but it is training a local militia to fight against the legitimate Syrian govt.

US base evacuated in Syria due to repeated Iraqi resistance strikes

The Hemo base is a vital one for the US occupation forces in Syria, as it is located 4km west of Qamishli Airport, and has recently increased its troop size to 350 troops.

The village of Hemo also contains a special training camp for the US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) where US forces train SDF militants.

On January 10th, the Iraqi Islamic Resistance announced that it targeted the Hemo base with a missile strike.
The US is not only illegally occupying NE Syria, but it is training a local militia to fight against the legitimate Syrian govt.

US base evacuated in Syria due to repeated Iraqi resistance strikes

The Hemo base is a vital one for the US occupation forces in Syria, as it is located 4km west of Qamishli Airport, and has recently increased its troop size to 350 troops.

The village of Hemo also contains a special training camp for the US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) where US forces train SDF militants.

On January 10th, the Iraqi Islamic Resistance announced that it targeted the Hemo base with a missile strike.
why are the Iraqis the ones targeting bases in Syria?

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