Pentagon Strike



Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2006
I know a lot of you will just flat out dismiss this, but this has been like a lingering stench that will not go away even though its been heavily buried by the (supposedly liberal controlled media, choke). But for me the facts are there, IMO there was no Boeing 757 that struck the Pentagon, there is NO visible evidence that it did, why was it claimed, it starts the whole ball rolling and asks questions like, "If they lied about the Pentagon then why should be believe them about the WTC etc?"

Please at least watch this and make your mind up afterwards.
Come on, that's just... Do you even realize how many thousands of people would have to be in the loop to make that happen? In this day of information there is no way it stays secret :disappointed:

Where's the "tin foil hat" smilie when you need one.
Good Lord.

1) An airliner (when used as a weapon) is, in effect a very large light-case incendiary device. Throw a light-case incendiary traveling 500mph at a re-inforced concrete wall and it disappears.

2) The collapsed section of the Pentagon, if you bother to look at the photos has two holes in the lower section - precisely where the engines went through. The rest of the damage was caused by blast and heat from the several thousand gallons of Jet-A that ignited on contact with the building.

3) While somewhat more substantial than the rest of the airframe, the engines are still made to be as lightweight as possible which means when you throw THEM through a re-inforced concrete wall at 500mph, they too, will essentially disappear.

Finally, I refer you to this video in which an F-4 Phanton (fighters are built substantially stronger than airliners to survive high-G maneuvers and battle damage) is driven into a re-inforced concrete wall at 500mph. You'll note the fighter disintegrates.

The people who made the video you referenced are 1) anti-American moonbats from France 2) have no empirical knowledge of the behavior of airliners in high-speed crashes, or light-case explosives and 3) are still anti-American moonbats.
Thank you, OneManGang, after reading the first post I nearly had a stroke. These conspiracy theories are just silly. Whether its the moon landing or otherwise, the huge amount of people involved makes the whole notion absurd. Just think about the last time a group of 5 people decided to order pizza. If folks can't agree over a pizza, there is little chance they would go along with open war on their own country.
It's like a Oliver Stone type looking for a conspiracy movie to film again.Not to mention the millions of dollars they would make in the process.I happened to have a friend that is a Brigadier General who was in the building at the time.
I know a lot of you will just flat out dismiss this, but this has been like a lingering stench that will not go away even though its been heavily buried by the (supposedly liberal controlled media, choke). But for me the facts are there, IMO there was no Boeing 757 that struck the Pentagon, there is NO visible evidence that it did, why was it claimed, it starts the whole ball rolling and asks questions like, "If they lied about the Pentagon then why should be believe them about the WTC etc?"

Please at least watch this and make your mind up afterwards.

Wow. Absolutely unbelievable. I am at a loss for words after a post like this.:BANGHEAD2:
what do you expect from someone with a fist and flag in their avatar?

If you watch that video and CAN'T pick out the doctored images you need help. Can we get a smiley that is pulling is head out of its a$$????
Must have been a huge conspiracy.

There's photos of wheels, engine parts, blue seats from 757 laying on the ground, part of "American" fuselage logo visible in more than 1 photo, engine parts photographed inside match a Rolls-Royce RB211, structural components photographed in wreckage match Boeing paint primer schemes, large deisel generator in front of building hit by a large heavy object,large deisel engine outside is spun towards the building - could not be result of bomb blast or missile explosion

Yeah, it was flying close to the ground. That's why it knocked down light poles and damaged cars in it's path. That's why 60+ bodies were found matching flight crew and passengers and returned to their families.

That's what hundreds of people walking around, driving their cars, or mowing their lawns said they saw.

They must have all "been in" on it.
what do you expect from someone with a fist and flag in their avatar?
Nothing like supporting one of the longest standing terrorist groups in the world. Mr. IRA should really stay out of any political/conspiracy/etc. threads.
Sorry you failed to detect my hint of sarcasm with my response JG6.:jpshakehead:
Nothing like supporting one of the longest standing terrorist groups in the world. Mr. IRA should really stay out of any political/conspiracy/etc. threads.

I believe you should educate yourself on Irish politics before you brand someone Mr IRA sir. That flag has got nothing to do with the IRA its only a representation of freedom. So get educated before you make a stupid statement like that.
You guys telling me that that plane, which was caught on camera, was a boeing 757? I take it none of you have flown much. Also how come nobody else explained why such a visible area with so many cameras around, why there has only been 1 piece of 3 sec tape been made available to the public?
I don't know if it was a Boeing 757 or not, but my buddy's girlfriend was stuck in traffic in DC and saw it fly over her and hit the pentagon. It was a commercial airliner for sure.
while the video does raise interesting questions into the strike, it by no means supports a conspiracy on this level. I mean honestly, do you really think that there is anyone in washington smart enough to pull this off? I am by no means defending the administration, but I think that it's hilarious that people think these guys are bumbling idiots but could plan something like this.
My theory is a commercial airliner the size of an Embrarer Jet, the kind that takes off from McGhee Tyson all the time. Most witnesses said that more so than a missile, I do not think a missle is plausable. The other option would have been that Drone plane the military has and if it was a military plane, wow.

Check out the damage a 747 did to a building in Amsterdam, now thats the kind of scene that should have been at the pentagon.
In retrospect, they should have built the apartment building in Amsterdam like the Pentagon.
I read somewhere that it actually only takes 5 or 6 minutes to get from any one point of the Pentagon to another because of the way it is built.

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