You see what I mean, you disagree with someones opinion and suddenly you are a nutjob.
You're trying to support a conspiracy theory that goes against the current truth of the situation.
You're basing your arguments on undocumented "eye-witnesses" and your "feeling" that a 757 "should" have made a bigger hole.
In order for your version to be correct, we have to ignore all the following evidence:
1) passenger and crew manifest - where is that plane?
2) flight training of 9/11 hijackers
3) admission of guilt by Osama and his boys
4) physical evidence at the site
5) countless reviews/studies by people that are actually qualified to do such analysis
6) use of 3 other commercial jetliners in the same plot
7) etc. etc.
Instead, you cling to a dislike of W and the Iraq war and work backwards to suggest this was staged to gin up support for the pre-planned Iraq war. The vast amount of planning, coordination and silence among 1000's of co-conspirators would be highly improbable. Yet, that minor detail is conveniently ignored to support your view that the administration wanted to go to Iraq so badly that they contrived the entire thing.
I'd say that's nutty -- or lacking a grounding in reality at the very least.