Perkins Coie Allies Connected to Hillary Clinton’s 2016 Campaign Spied on Trump’s Internet Traffic While Trump Was President

Watched ABC nightly news last night for the first time in a loooong time and they talked about Trump and his family having to testify but not a word about Hillary’s campaign, Obama-Biden spying on Trump. The Democrats public relations are working overtime to protect them.

Are you a low info voter? If not, their newscast wasn't meant for you.
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I don't remember you making a point about a lot of the media electing not to cover stories that more conservative outlets did cover or not to issue front page retractions when proven wrong. Some bad reporting is pretty much the same as lies by omission.
Reporting provably false information is not the same thing as choosing not to cover a story which you don't feel will interest your viewers/readers. I have not been critical of Fox News for their general avoidance of 1/6 related topics.

I will be critical of Fox News when they tell lies, such as this report from February 12th, with a headline which read, :

Clinton campaign paid to 'infiltrate' Trump Tower, White House servers to link Trump to Russia, Durham finds

^^^ This is an outright lie. ^^^

John Durham's court filing does not allege that the 2016 Hillary Clinton campaign paid for information obtained through the authorized maintenance of servers at Trump Tower or The White House. Fox News has still not retracted this claim. This blatant falsehood has been brought to their attention many times now on Twitter.
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Didnt the clintons pay nuestar 3k in 2015 the dccc paid them 3k in 2017 and 19k by Biden in 2020??? Seems money changed hands, now
Didnt the clintons pay nuestar 3k in 2015 the dccc paid them 3k in 2017 and 19k by Biden in 2020??? Seems money changed hands, now
Even if that is accurate, the Fox News headline is still wrong, because of the "Durham finds" portion at the end. The Durham court filing does not allege that the Clinton campaign paid Neustar for information which had been obtained through the maintenance of those servers at Trump Tower or The White House. That was sloppy reporting by Fox News. No two ways about it.
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Even if that is accurate, the Fox News headline is still wrong, because of the "Durham finds" portion at the end. The Durham court filing does not allege that the Clinton campaign paid Neustar for information which had been obtained through the maintenance of those servers at Trump Tower or The White House. That was sloppy reporting by Fox News. No two ways about it.
But we dont know yet if that payment was for the informatiin or not correct?
Which network did you believe about Steele dossier? Fox reported it was an outright lie. Come to find out, Fox was right.
Sure. That's great... but they should still retract that "Durham finds" headline. They made a mistake, and it seems as though they would rather bury it and pretend it didn't happen, than take ownership of it, and correct the record regarding what the Durham filing actually said.
Yeah, I guess that is true... and yet, the Fox News headline is still wrong anyway.
If we held all news sources responsible for thier wrong reporting many left wing tv stations would be wrong the minute they claimed a man can be the fact they may have (not technically wrong yet) jumped the shark still doesnt excuse the fact that illegal activities were conducted by a firm thatbjas finacial ties to the Dems and thier candidates..
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If we held all news sources responsible for thier wrong reporting many left wing tv stations would be wrong the minute they claimed a man can be the fact they may have (not technically wrong yet) jumped the shark still doesnt excuse the fact that illegal activities were conducted by a firm thatbjas finacial ties to the Dems and thier candidates..

A few weeks ago I was seeing a "news" article headline - something about "pregnant persons". This country is so screwed.
No. Reporting provably false information is not the same thing as choosing not to cover a story which you don't feel will interest your viewers/readers. I have not been critical of Fox News for their general avoidance of 1/6 related topics.

I will be critical of Fox News when they tell lies, such as their headline from February 12th which read :

"Clinton campaign paid to 'infiltrate' Trump Tower, White House servers to link Trump to Russia, Durham finds."

^^^ That was an outright lie. ^^^

John Durham's court filing does not allege that the 2016 Hillary Clinton campaign paid for information obtained through the authorized maintenance of servers at Trump Tower or The White House. Fox News has still not retracted this claim. This blatant falsehood has been brought to their attention many times now on Twitter.
You mean like the lie that Trump called Neo-Nazis very fine people after Charlottesville? That kind of lie? Every single liberal news outlet and Dems such as Biden, Pelosi, and others often repeated that easily disproven lie.
If we held all news sources responsible for thier wrong reporting many left wing tv stations would be wrong the minute they claimed a man can be the fact they may have (not technically wrong yet) jumped the shark still doesnt excuse the fact that illegal activities were conducted by a firm thatbjas finacial ties to the Dems and thier candidates..
No. They were wrong, because of the "Durham finds" wording at the end of their headline. I have already explained this twice.

This is the Fox News report from February 12th that I'm talking about. :

Clinton campaign paid to 'infiltrate' Trump Tower, White House servers to link Trump to Russia, Durham finds

The John Durham court filing, which they are referencing, does not allege that the Clinton campaign paid Neustar for information collected through the authorized maintenance of servers at Trump Tower or The White House. This Fox News report, linked up above, got it wrong. Fox News made a mistake and they should correct it. However, it has been over a week now, and they still haven't corrected the record or publicly acknowledged their mistake.

I have never said that the reporting of misinformation by Fox News excused any possible criminal activity on the part of Sussman, Neustar or the Clinton campaign. I'm simply saying that in one of their reports from February 12th (the article which has been linked in this post up above), Fox News misrepresented what the Durham court filing alleged. That fact has been brought to their attention many times over the course of the last week, and yet they have still not retracted the above article.
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You mean like the lie that Trump called Neo-Nazis very fine people after Charlottesville? That kind of lie? Every single liberal news outlet and Dems such as Biden, Pelosi, and others often repeated that easily disproven lie.
This doesn't excuse Fox News for misrepresenting what the Durham court filing alleged. Fox News is clearly aware of their mistake, because they have stopped making that claim, but it has now been over a week, and they have still not corrected the record. That speaks to a lack of journalistic integrity on their part. Conservative posters to this forum like to think that Fox News is more objective and professional than the "mainstream media." They're not.
This doesn't excuse Fox News for misrepresenting what the Durham court filing alleged. Fox News is clearly aware of their mistake, because they have stopped making that claim, but it has now been over a week, and they have still not corrected the record. That speaks to a lack of journalistic integrity on their part. Conservative posters to this forum like to think that Fox News is more objective and professional than the "mainstream media." They're not.
I agree they’re the same as CNN and others but I only recall you calling out one side.
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OK let me get this straight, you're upset because some company that had worked for Clinton's campaign was spying on Trump's unclassified unsecured internet communications after Trump was President and there was no Clinton campaign in existence?

And let's not forget that Durham came out and said conservatives were misinterpreting what he said.

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