Perkins Coie Allies Connected to Hillary Clinton’s 2016 Campaign Spied on Trump’s Internet Traffic While Trump Was President

Spare me the patronizing and read some of the posts in this thread from your right-wing brethren. They are practically wetting themselves with delight over the prospect that it might be proven that Hillary Clinton's campaign spied on Trump.

What a world, indeed.

As compared to the continuous threads by your fellow woke brothers and sisters, reciting the liberal media talking points of four years. Seems those points were premature by one administration.
This is in itself, a partisan vantage point. We are a long way from "actual criminality" having been proven.

Libel and slander are illegal acts. Using a campaign of such to discredit and interfere in an election may very well be criminal. However, you are very much right that an accusation is far from a proven fact in a court of law. I imagine you are also right that acts by the Clinton and the Clinton campaign will not be proven because to do so would involve discrediting the FBI, the NSA, the CIA, the DOJ, and the FISA process ... and that cannot be allowed.
Clinesmith already pled so Durham has found actual criminal activity directly related to the investigation - that puts him even with Mueller (Papadopolous). 2 more awaiting trial. Who knows how many more indictments may be coming.
Isn't that the lawyer who doctored an e-mail or something? LOL.

Good lord. If you are going to count that, then I'm counting these on the Mueller side as well ....

Lev Parnas found guilty on campaign finance charges - CNNPolitics

Paul Manafort: Here is what the jury found him guilty of
Isn't that the lawyer who doctored an e-mail or something? LOL.

Good lord. If you are going to count that, then I'm counting these on the Mueller side as well ....

Lev Parnas found guilty on campaign finance charges - CNNPolitics

Paul Manafort: Here is what the jury found him guilty of

none of those were related to the Russia collusion investigation. Papadopolous was the only one and that was lying to the FBI (or some govt agent).

Danchenko and Sussman indicted so far. We'll see if they are more. Already Durham has more fish for the issue under investigation than Mueller.
none of those were related to the Russia collusion investigation. Papadopolous was the only one and that was lying to the FBI (or some govt agent).

Danchenko and Sussman indicted so far. We'll see if they are more. Already Durham has more fish for the issue under investigation than Mueller.
Yes, they were. They all 3 were.
They were convicted of crimes uncovered during the course of the Mueller probe. You are trying to split hairs.

No I'm not. Mueller didn't get anyone on the Russia collusion stuff other than Papadopolous.

It's a material difference. Mueller wasn't investigating tax evasion but uncovered some against Manafort and he passed that on to other prosecutors to pursue. Same for the others.

Each of the 3 indictments from Durham are based on their role in the Russiagate saga.
No I'm not. Mueller didn't get anyone on the Russia collusion stuff other than Papadopolous.

It's a material difference. Mueller wasn't investigating tax evasion but uncovered some against Manafort and he passed that on to other prosecutors to pursue. Same for the others.

Each of the 3 indictments from Durham are based on their role in the Russiagate saga.
No... you are splitting hairs. And the Parnas conviction is closely related to what Mueller was investigating.
"According to Durham, Joffe and his associates manipulated that data to make it seem like Trump, and those in Trump’s world, had suspicious interactions with internet protocol (IP) addresses affiliated with a Russian mobile phone provider. They then combined those allegations with the Alfa Bank hoax materials (the subject of Sussmann’s Fall 2016 meeting with then-FBI General Counsel James Baker).

This damaging information, purporting to demonstrate at least circumstantial evidence of Trump/Russia collusion, was presented on February 9, 2017 to what Durham describes as U.S. Government “Agency-2.”

That agency was the CIA. We know for sure that Sussmann met with the CIA General Counsel. We learned in January 2022 that, if Sussmann is to be believed, there were two other CIA employees at that meeting.

In other words, a Clinton supporting contractor (Joffe) obtained sensitive information (perhaps unlawfully) about the Office of the President of the United States (Trump), manipulated the information, passed it to a DNC/Clinton lawyer (Sussmann), who then delivered it to the CIA.

All on American soil.

This is important because the CIA is generally prohibited from conducting domestic operations. The FBI explains:

“The CIA collects information only regarding foreign countries and their citizens. Unlike the FBI, it is prohibited from collecting information regarding ‘U.S. Persons,’ a term that includes U.S. citizens, resident aliens, legal immigrants, and U.S. corporations, regardless of where they are located.”​
In the CIA’s own words:

“The FBI is responsible for coordination of clandestine collection of foreign intelligence through human sources or human-enabled means and counterintelligence activities inside the United States.”
Yet when it came to Trump, here was the CIA doing what it is prohibited: “collecting information regarding U.S. persons” inside the United States"

I don't think the CIA breaches that barrier by being handed the Clinton-funded propaganda, and then turning it over to the FBI; in this instance it doesn't appear CIA was gathering the intel. Besides, we've known since at least Oct. 2020 that CIA warned FBI multiple times of a Clinton/DNC conspiracy to smear Trump with faux Russian conspiracy. Declassified CIA memo one of several red flags Russia collusion was a Clinton dirty trick

Which makes John Brennan's public allusions to Trump colluding with Russia not only shameful, vile, and propagandist, but puzzling. Unless Brennan was complicit and piling on to divert attention.
Christopher Steele testified in British court that Fusion GPS was paying him but he understood the ultimate clients to be the DNC and Hilary Clinton.
Bruce Ohr also alerted both FBI and DOJ in summer 2016 that the dossier was unsubstantiated and tied to Clinton.
These are the reasons why Barr stated that in Jan 2017, FBI knew there was nothing and should have terminated investigations. There was no basis for Mueller.
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Would be an ideal time for MSNBC or CNN to run retractions and do a little damage control on the viewers they were dishonest with and help incite violence and negativity towards a sitting President. Knowing what they were reporting was not accurate information. Alot of self reflection happening in regards to how the left manipulates its voters with false information and performance acting.
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Would be an ideal time for MSNBC or CNN to run retractions and do a little damage control on the viewers they were dishonest with and help incite violence and negativity towards a sitting President. Knowing what they were reporting was not accurate information. Alot of self reflection happening in regards to how the left manipulates its voters with false information and performance acting.
Ahem ... "help incite violence," ... ???

I'm curious as to what act of violence, incited towards President Trump, you are referring to?
Someone is going to face huge prison time. Maybe a couple of people. No way they let them get away with this now that this has been discovered. Clinton, Obama, or Biden will take the hit but some minions will. Expect some to sing and their cowardice will get exposed. Congrats for 20 years in the cellar.
Taken from CNN Headline
Maxine Waters encourages supporters to harass Trump administration officials
How is that CNN helping to incite violence against Trump, though? That is CNN reporting on Rep. Maxine Waters calling for the harassment of Trump officials (and harassment doesn't necessarily have to include violence, by the way). If such harassment ever occurred, it wouldn't be CNN's fault, for simply reporting what Rep. Maxine Waters had said.

If that is all you were talking about, then it is a stretch, to say the least.
How is that CNN helping to incite violence against Trump, though? That is CNN reporting on Rep. Maxine Waters calling for the harassment of Trump officials (and harassment doesn't necessarily have to include violence, by the way). If such harassment ever occurred, it wouldn't be CNN's fault, for simply reporting what Rep. Maxine Waters had said.

If that is all you were talking about, then it is a stretch, to say the least.
Sometimes it's fun to watch your mental gymnastics. I'll give you an 9.0 for the last page or so.
How is that CNN helping to incite violence against Trump, though? That is CNN reporting on Rep. Maxine Waters calling for the harassment of Trump officials (and harassment doesn't necessarily have to include violence, by the way). If such harassment ever occurred, it wouldn't be CNN's fault, for simply reporting what Rep. Maxine Waters had said.

If that is all you were talking about, then it is a stretch, to say the least.
A stretch caused impeachment. Harassment turns to violence….public official saying harass is calling to assault someone.

CNN’s fault for continuing to run false stories. They knew they were not factual but ran them anyways. Maxine continued by enforcing the false stories CNN and MSNBC continued to air. But you already know this.
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A stretch caused impeachment. Harassment turns to violence….public official saying harass is calling to assault someone.

CNN’s fault for continuing to run false stories. They knew they were not factual but ran them anyways. Maxine continued by enforcing the false stories CNN and MSNBC continued to air. But you already know this.
I stand corrected. The logic you are applying isn't a stretch. Your logic is, in fact, completely nonsensical.
I stand corrected. The logic you are applying isn't a stretch. Your logic is, in fact, completely nonsensical.
So you agree with running of false news continuously and politicians encouraging constituents/viewers to harass/violate those in Trumps administration?
This is an outstanding monologue by Tucker Carlson which once again proves why he is one of the best. I recommend investing 15 minutes of your time. He dicusses a few things not revealed before.

My question is, are people like Sullivan that have been added to the Biden administration now in a position to help control information about the very topic he helped to fabricate. The fox guarding the hen house.

When people like BowlBrother85 say we don't have any proof of election fraud they are towing the Leslie Stahl line. Of course the average citizen has no specific proof of widespread fraud in different states. Is starting to become clearer these people will do anything for money, power, and control. Technology has made that more of a reality and threat.

Tucker: Democrats were spying on Trump

Feb. 15, 2022 - 11:15 - Fox News host gives his take on the Durham probe on 'Tucker Carlson Tonight.'

Tucker Carlson: Donald Trump was right, Democrats were spying on him

Trump told the truth bluntly, often when nobody else would

If you watch Donald Trump closely over his four years in office, and we did, it became pretty clear that the more outlandish the claim that Trump happened to be making, the more likely it was to be true.

Trump did tend to exaggerate at times, but it's mostly about topics that didn't matter. How big was the crowd at his 2016 inauguration? Who cares? But on the big things, on matters of civilizational importance, Trump told the truth bluntly, often when nobody else would.

The Iraq War was a mistake, Trump said. Illegal immigration is a disaster. China is taking over the world. Haiti is a pretty crappy place. Deafening hysteria followed every one of these demonstrably true statements.

At one point in early 2018, CNN and the Washington Post got so worked up trying to hide the obvious that they devoted blanket coverage to the claim that actually, Haiti is an awesome and fully functional country, a perfect spot for your next family vacation and, by the way, if you disagree with that, you're racist. That's what they told us.

Tucker Carlson: Donald Trump was right, Democrats were spying on him

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