Perspective from a 19 Year Old Vol Fan

I am a 19 year old poor college kid that has grown up living, breathing and dreaming Tennessee football since I was old enough to hear, see and think for myself. Neyland Stadium has been my home away from home dating back to attending my first game vs. Vanderbilt in the Casey Clausen days of 03'... I have seen and experienced many ups and downs as a Vol fan throughout my young life, from watching the national championship game in 1998 with my dad (yes, I remember it... photographic memory) to thrilling victories in the swamp in 2001 and Tuscaloosa in 2003) to our recent carousel of coaches and letdowns. Through it all, one thing has never ceased to amaze me.. the passion of our fans for Tennessee football. I am typing this because I simply cannot wait to see those magic words once again in two weeks..."It's Football Time in Tennesseee!!" I really look forward to seeing you all in Neyland this year and I thank y'all for always providing good insight (well, most of you) and entertainment on this message board, and not bashing a young man such as myself too incredibly often. We are simply the best program in College Football and I look forward to climbing back to the top brick by brick. Butch has brought life, energy and a passion back to our program, and I see us doing some huge things in the very near future. Through it all I have remained a Vol, and always will, and I can't wait to celebrate the resurrection of a sleeping giant with all of Big Orange Brethren.. and yes this is another one of those threads... Flame Away.. GO VOLS!!!
Out of 42 years as fan about 10 of them top 10, the other 32, we were 7 and 4 or 8 and 3 at best, that the way it is here, but still we are TENNESSEE the school that GOD went to.:)
Not now!! But I was in 1965.

Tennessee Volunteers‎

Record: 8-1-2, .818 W-L% (8th of 120) ▫ Rank: 7th in Final AP Poll Conference: SEC (Schedule and Results) Coach: Doug Dickey (8-1-2).

● U.S. Postage Stamp $ .05

•● Movie Ticket $1.25

•● Gallon of Gas $ .24

•● New Car $2,614.00

•● New Home $13,600.00

•● Harvard Tuition $1,760.00

•● Average Income $6,469.00

Gallon of gas .24:banghead2:
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Not now!! But I was in 1965.

Tennessee Volunteers‎

Record: 8-1-2, .818 W-L% (8th of 120) ▫ Rank: 7th in Final AP Poll Conference: SEC (Schedule and Results) Coach: Doug Dickey (8-1-2).

● U.S. Postage Stamp $ .05

•● Movie Ticket $1.25

•● Gallon of Gas $ .24

•● New Car $2,614.00

•● New Home $13,600.00

•● Harvard Tuition $1,760.00

•● Average Income $6,469.00

You forgot man the 60s weed was 10 bucks a ounce.:cool2::
19, 20, 21, 26 what is wrong with all of you....get off of here and get a life....get outside and on the water ...hike the the some of the worlds greatest works of literature....learn to speak a 2nd or 3rd language....get on a bike and ride across the the beauty of classical music or how to play an instrument or even better yet discover a girl, Google it a 'girl'...

I'm in my early 60's and I enjoy sports, especially football but I'm not consumed by it...when I was 17-22 I was on campus at UT playing a sport, albeit a non revenue one, living in Gibbs but I was too busy even then going to school in addition to working 15-60 hours a week depending on the season and discovering so many great things to go to all the football games...
I actually want to bike across the country, but seeing as how that could cost upwards of $4,000.00 I can't right now.
19, 20, 21, 26 what is wrong with all of you....get off of here and get a life....get outside and on the water ...hike the the some of the worlds greatest works of literature....learn to speak a 2nd or 3rd language....get on a bike and ride across the the beauty of classical music or how to play an instrument or even better yet discover a girl, Google it a 'girl'...

I'm in my early 60's and I enjoy sports, especially football but I'm not consumed by it...when I was 17-22 I was on campus at UT playing a sport, albeit a non revenue one, living in Gibbs but I was too busy even then going to school in addition to working 15-60 hours a week depending on the season and discovering so many great things to go to all the football games...

Umm, any reason you can't do all that stuff you listed AND go to a few games??
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I am a 19 year old poor college kid that has grown up living, breathing and dreaming Tennessee football since I was old enough to hear, see and think for myself. Neyland Stadium has been my home away from home dating back to attending my first game vs. Vanderbilt in the Casey Clausen days of 03'... I have seen and experienced many ups and downs as a Vol fan throughout my young life, from watching the national championship game in 1998 with my dad (yes, I remember it... photographic memory) to thrilling victories in the swamp in 2001 and Tuscaloosa in 2003) to our recent carousel of coaches and letdowns. Through it all, one thing has never ceased to amaze me.. the passion of our fans for Tennessee football. I am typing this because I simply cannot wait to see those magic words once again in two weeks..."It's Football Time in Tennesseee!!" I really look forward to seeing you all in Neyland this year and I thank y'all for always providing good insight (well, most of you) and entertainment on this message board, and not bashing a young man such as myself too incredibly often. We are simply the best program in College Football and I look forward to climbing back to the top brick by brick. Butch has brought life, energy and a passion back to our program, and I see us doing some huge things in the very near future. Through it all I have remained a Vol, and always will, and I can't wait to celebrate the resurrection of a sleeping giant with all of Big Orange Brethren.. and yes this is another one of those threads... Flame Away.. GO VOLS!!!

Great to have young fans. Back in the day when things were a lot simpler (I'm 62), I was hitchhiking to Vols games at your age. Of course, one would never thinking of doing such a thing now; far too dangerous. I started my attendance during the Doug Dickey era when the Vols won a couple of SEC championships but then tapered off to doldrums like we are witnessing now at the end of the Battle era and the beginning of the Majors era. For more than 20 years, depending upon where you want to begin, like the mid 1980's to the mid 2000's, the program was on strong footing and highly competitive. I'm hoping you young Vols fans and all the rest of us are witnessing a great rebirth and will not have to think about rebuilding for another several decades, if ever.
Umm, any reason you can't do all that stuff you listed AND go to a few games??

This... I am an avid fly fisherman, and spend 90% of my down time stalking trout in the Smokies, Elizabethton, Western NC and Southwestern VA areas.. I still make time for a few visits to Neyland each year. Good grief brother, you just gotta learn to multitask!! :salute:
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I'm 22 but still think I'm 19. So I guess so.

(in my best Darth Vader voice) Other Guy-I am your father...No, really, Other Guy is my 22 year old son of whom I am very proud (corny I know). So I guess I don't fit in the OP's 19 year old catagory.
So I'm 48 and as a preface to this, did play a little ball in college so I understand the college game (or atleast what it used to be LOL). My first experience with the Vol faithful was not very positive. I'm a transplant from NC and I'm thinking it was around '90 and UT was playing Colorado. Forgive me if I get these facts wrong but my recollection is that UT went down about 3 touchdowns in the first half. You have to remember Colorado was a formidable program at that time. I think even top 10 when we played them. Anyway, UT came out in the second half and just let Colorado have it. Most programs would have folded up tents and just taken it to the house, but these young men came out and clawed their way to tie (yes they had ties then). It was the best display of character and fighting back from adversity I had ever seen. I knew immediately there was something special about the culture of UT football and became a fan that night. I had gone down to the strip and watched the game with some friends and had visited the rest room after the final whistle and all I heard was an endless stream of complaints about the game and how the team had played. Needless to say I was a bit shocked and fought back based upon my observations of the game and told those guys I thought it was one of the greatest comebacks I had ever seen. To this day I still have difficulty with UT fans sometimes, but have come to understand that there is just great passion and an almost maniacal need to win here. I'm a VFL and really do love this S***!

This just seemed like the thread to post this on since people are talking about how long they have been fans.
Since we have all these young Vol fans in this thread it seems like a perfect place to ask the most pressing question facing the Vols today, do y'all like the gray jerseys and would it be a difference maker if you were a football player as to which school you chose to play for? I'll hang up and listen. :popcorn:
So I'm 48 and as a preface to this, did play a little ball in college so I understand the college game (or atleast what it used to be LOL). My first experience with the Vol faithful was not very positive. I'm a transplant from NC and I'm thinking it was around '90 and UT was playing Colorado. Forgive me if I get these facts wrong but my recollection is that UT went down about 3 touchdowns in the first half. You have to remember Colorado was a formidable program at that time. I think even top 10 when we played them. Anyway, UT came out in the second half and just let Colorado have it. Most programs would have folded up tents and just taken it to the house, but these young men came out and clawed their way to tie (yes they had ties then). It was the best display of character and fighting back from adversity I had ever seen. I knew immediately there was something special about the culture of UT football and became a fan that night. I had gone down to the strip and watched the game with some friends and had visited the rest room after the final whistle and all I heard was an endless stream of complaints about the game and how the team had played. Needless to say I was a bit shocked and fought back based upon my observations of the game and told those guys I thought it was one of the greatest comebacks I had ever seen. To this day I still have difficulty with UT fans sometimes, but have come to understand that there is just great passion and an almost maniacal need to win here. I'm a VFL and really do love this S***!

This just seemed like the thread to post this on since people are talking about how long they have been fans.
That was a good game but as far as comebacks doesn't hold a candle to the Miracle at South Bend in '91 when the Vols fell behind Notre Dame by three tds and clawed their way back to win the game on a last second block of an Irish game winning field goal attempt.
That was a good game but as far as comebacks doesn't hold a candle to the Miracle at South Bend in '91 when the Vols fell behind Notre Dame by three tds and clawed their way back to win the game on a last second block of an Irish game winning field goal attempt.

Can't argue with that, but it was the night I was introduced to that level of pride and fight that was so culturally ingrained into the players at UT. Miracle at South Bend was maybe a greater example of this, but it was the same in it's portrayal of Vol football. It is difficult to comeback against good teams, it is remarkable to come back against exceptional teams.
Can't argue with that, but it was the night I was introduced to that level of pride and fight that was so culturally ingrained into the players at UT. Miracle at South Bend was maybe a greater example of this, but it was the same in it's portrayal of Vol football. It is difficult to comeback against good teams, it is remarkable to come back against exceptional teams.
We're in total agreement. :salute:
Since we have all these young Vol fans in this thread it seems like a perfect place to ask the most pressing question facing the Vols today, do y'all like the gray jerseys and would it be a difference maker if you were a football player as to which school you chose to play for? I'll hang up and listen. :popcorn:

You'll need a lot of popcorn.
Since we have all these young Vol fans in this thread it seems like a perfect place to ask the most pressing question facing the Vols today, do y'all like the gray jerseys and would it be a difference maker if you were a football player as to which school you chose to play for? I'll hang up and listen. :popcorn:

I absolutely love the gray unis. As far as it being a deciding factor, possibly. Guys have made their decision over smaller things, see Cassanova Mckinzy at the bottom. Being from AL, Ive grown up right in the middle of two programs who haven't touched their unis in a loooooong long time and probably wont ever change, so I get how difficult it is for some folks to accept them. IMO As a football recruit, the jerseys themselves aren't the selling point, it's the way CBJ is using them. To me it says "we're going to honor teams 1-116, but at the same time team 117 is not teams 1-116."

At 42 I can say that I truly love my vols. That said, as time moves along life has a funny way of putting things like the sport you love into perspective. Perspective I didn't have at 19. I'm just glad the Kiffin-Dooley era ha happened when I have that perspective - no telling what it would have done to me at 19.

It did a number on me at 31, I can tell ya...
Gallon of gas .24:banghead2:

good write up OP

i remember my dad complaining on the way down to Fla for a vacation,griping because his car needed high test and my uncles ran on regular

my uncle was paying 18 or 19 cents a gallon for regular and yes i actually remember gas wars too,now they set the prices the same and to hell with the customer
I was a 21 yr old UT student during the Vols 1998 Championship season. I 'grew up' during the Majors/Fulmer era and couldn't be more thankful. I was able to attend a lot of classic games (Bama/Auburn 85, as a boy, Uf/Ark 98, as a student and COUNTLESS others in between). I cannot imagine 'growing up' with the Vols performances of the past 5-10 years as some of these young men have! I applaud them for the fortitude and perseverance as fans!!! Let's hope Butch gets it turned around!!
That was a good game but as far as comebacks doesn't hold a candle to the Miracle at South Bend in '91 when the Vols fell behind Notre Dame by three tds and clawed their way back to win the game on a last second block of an Irish game winning field goal attempt.

one of the top 5 games I have attended. even saw the Northern lights driving to SB from Chicago airport. an omen from the gods. good memories. Tonight's deli: Turkey & Gouda on Dark w/ mayo. bag of Doritos and a Blue Moon
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Ill be 29 here in a few days but my first game was in 1994 against Memphis. I will never forget that day as a 10 year old boy walking into that stadium for the first time and it taking my breath away along with giving me goosebumps (still does).

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