Peyton Manning's faith

If God is the loving and perfect Father believers make him out to be, religious affiliation will make no difference. Follow the golden rule. I refuse to believe there is a God that will condemn an atheist who does that.

So you believe in no God yet you believe enough to think that you will be spared? If there's no such thing then why do you fear condemnation?
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I'm not attacking you, but just out of curiosity, where did you learn about the Bible, its transcription, and Plato? I hope it wasn't in any "secular" school.

Not attacking you but what did I say that you found to be incorrect based on your "secular" education.
The first pieces of Plato's writings come from medieval manuscripts during the Byzantine era around the 9th century. These are based on the 1st century compilations of Thrasyllus of Mendes. I said we have pieces of Plato's manuscripts (not originals) that were dated about 1,000 years after he compiled them. However, if you take the thought that Plato was born around 400 something BC and Thrasyllus of Mendes compilations were around 1st century then the copies were probably closer to 500 years after Plato compiled them.
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Never seen a classy non-believer in my life. All atheists are going to hell.

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Fair enough--you have made your position perfectly clear.

Evolutionary theory does not mince words about claiming that human beings evolved from a single prokaryote as a result of a series of genetic changes (which were driven by the survival need of the species) that occurred over millions of years. No matter how sophisticated the presentation may be--The entire theory lives or dies on this singular notion.

And, this theory, which has absolutely NO reliable scientific evidence in objective support of its claims--stands in direct CONTRADICTION to the simple statements in the Bible concerning the origin of ALL life in the Universe, and specifically life on planet earth--which eliminates ANY possibility of the evolution of a species of horses over millions of years!

I could go into an in-depth description of the laws of physics and the laws of chemistry that constitute and hold the DNA double-helix (and that govern the existence and sequencing found in alleles at their specific addresses on the uncoiled helix) together--and rightly defend the scientific IMPOSSIBILITY of evolution from a thermodynamic stand-point.

However, in the end, all men are faced with the reality you confess above--the fact that God exists is EVIDENT from the Creation, and not in spite of it (Romans 1:18-23). The problem with man is not intellectual, it's MORAL.

What makes evolutionary naturalism INTRINSICALLY amoral is that it clearly denies the existence of a moral, eternal, omnipotent, and infinitely wise Creator God as the SOURCE of all life.

Evolutionary naturalism has its own "evangelists", the most notable in our time to have been Carl Sagan, who was fond of ascribing the attributes of Deity to the creation in his statement:

"The Cosmos is all there is, or ever was, or ever will be."

Clearly--Sagan looked at creation and proclaimed it to be GOD. (Read Romans 1:18-23 again to see what God has said about this 2,000 years before Carl Sagan lived).

Sagan also said--

that our race is not significant at all. In December 1996, less than three weeks before Sagan died, he was interviewed by Ted Koppel on Nightline. Sagan knew he was dying, and Koppel asked him, “Dr. Sagan, do you have any pearls of wisdom that you would like to give to the human race?”

Sagan replied:

We live on a hunk of rock and metal that circles a humdrum star that is one of 400 billion other stars that make up the Milky Way Galaxy, which is one of billions of other galaxies, which make up a universe, which may be one of a very large number—perhaps an infinite number—of other universes. That is a perspective on human life and our culture that is well worth pondering.

In a book published near the end of his life, Sagan wrote,

“Our planet is a lonely speck in the great enveloping cosmic dark. In our obscurity, in all this vastness, there is no hint that help will come from elsewhere to save us from ourselves.” (Pale Blue Dot).

Although Sagan resolutely tried to maintain a semblance of optimism to the bitter end, his religion led where all naturalism inevitably leads: to a sense of utter insignificance and despair.

According to his world-view, humanity occupies a tiny outpost—a pale blue speck in a vast sea of galaxies. As far as we know, we are unnoticed by the rest of the universe, accountable to no one, and petty and irrelevant in a cosmos so expansive. It is fatuous to talk of outside help or redemption for the human race. No help is forthcoming. It would be nice if we somehow managed to solve some of our problems, but whether we do or not will ultimately be a forgotten bit of cosmic trivia. That, said Sagan, is a perspective well worth pondering.

MacArthur, John (2005-03-22). The Battle for the Beginning . Thomas Nelson. Kindle Edition.

That philosophy, to me, my friend, is utterly immoral and irresponsible--and inevitable leads to Herbert Spencer's social Darwinism.

I've thoroughly enjoyed our conversation. Please forgive me if I've offended in any way--it was certainly not my motivation to offend, but to be a voice for THE TRUTH of the Gospel of God--that there is, indeed, HOPE for the millions of the masses who, according to Thoreau, " lives in quiet desperation."

The Bible emphatically declares in the Gospel of God:

"Here's hope in your despair and quiet desperation: Come to Jesus to have life!" (John 1:1-18)

That's THE issue for any and every man--will you come to Jesus and believe? God Bless you, my friend! :peace2:

Excellent post Mike. :good!:
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--I will never eat Pappa John's pizza--the owner has aligned himself with the Koch brothers.

--Manning simply spent too much time in Indiana, which is a very conservative, middle American state.

--One has to LAUGH at christians who pretend to challenge evolution with their pseudo-scientific nonsense--and then declare creation to be the truth. There is plenty of evidence in the fossil record of evolution and there will be more and more as time goes on. It is a fact that the earth is something like 2 billion years old, not 5,000 or whatever the bible claims. "God" is the most absurd concept ever conceived. People desperately want to believe--it is comforting to them, and that is fine. But the truth lies in science, not some old book of fiction--and I chuckle at the ever-more desperate attacks on evolution by christians who can't deal with the idea of having their white-is-black worldview overturned. I guess you'll never have a career at NASA.
@armchair -- There are so many Christians in all disciplines of the sciences and engineering that are sooo much more educated than you or me, with multiple PhD's; who are polymaths who beg to differ with you. The shame is that you are just another who follows along behind the small group of vocal militant atheists and take faith itself, and especially one small group, those who believe in a "young earth" creation date, and small-mindedly paint all of Christian believers with that brush, all the while self-aggrandizing yourselves an spouting 'how smart you are not to be sucked in by that".

Nowhere in the bible does it 'claim' the earth is "5,000 or whatever the bible claims"
years old. These numbers are arrived at by much reading into what was actually written, and there is much room for others positions, "Long Day Creationism" being just one.

Because about half of all scientists believe in God, believing in a Creator is not absurd, and only a pseudo-intellectual would say that "one has to LAUGH at Christians". One may indeed be laughing at one of their highly regarded college professors.

There are many, many Christians who "consider all things, and hold fast to what is true". That the findings of astronomy, geology, biology, etc. show the age of the universe to be about 14 billion years old, and man's existence on earth to be about 100,000 years ... is not a problem and in no way contradicts what is actually written in the bible. We believe in the concept of the 'long day'; e.g. the 7 days of creation are epochal.

Reasons To Believe : TNRTB Classic: Evidence for an Ancient Earth

However, we don't laugh at those who choose to maintain the approx. 5,00 or 6,000, or 10,000 year creation date. Why? What a person believes about when the cosmos was created has absolutely nothing to do with our acceptance of The Gospel (Good News), or God's acceptance of us, his created beings.

And why 'The Gospel', when there are so many other religions out there? And yes I've chanted 'Hari Chrishna' up in the parking lot of Newfound Gap while handing out tracts and I've studied the Baghavad Gita and the Koran, and several other major, minor and esoteric faiths; but for me, Christianity is the only one I've found where, whether one is a believer or non-believer, you are not only accepted, but loved, for who and what you are, right now. When asked what a person must do to be saved, Jesus responded, "Only Believe".

There are believers at NASA, and in the Human Genome Project (their leader, by the way), at MIT, Harvard, and Yale; at Oxford, Stanford, and any other highest of the high tech organizations or universities you choose to name. Your short sighted, old, and hackneyed approach to belittling believers is nothing new, and is just as tiresome now as it was waaay before you were born. It is as chuckle worthy to us who have indeed taken the time to search out what is going on in this world as you claim the Christian faith is to you. Your own comments on what the Bible is belies your shallow knowledge, and your own attempt to puff up your pseudo-intellectual self.

Consider all things, and hold fast to what is true.
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--I will never eat Pappa John's pizza--the owner has aligned himself with the Koch brothers.

--Manning simply spent too much time in Indiana, which is a very conservative, middle American state.

--One has to LAUGH at christians who pretend to challenge evolution with their pseudo-scientific nonsense--and then declare creation to be the truth. There is plenty of evidence in the fossil record of evolution and there will be more and more as time goes on. It is a fact that the earth is something like 2 billion years old, not 5,000 or whatever the bible claims. "God" is the most absurd concept ever conceived. People desperately want to believe--it is comforting to them, and that is fine. But the truth lies in science, not some old book of fiction--and I chuckle at the ever-more desperate attacks on evolution by christians who can't deal with the idea of having their white-is-black worldview overturned. I guess you'll never have a career at NASA.

So much idiocy in this post. However I am going to employ the atheists favorite go to, the burden of proof. You have stated the claim that the Bible is a book of fiction. Now prove it.
--I will never eat Pappa John's pizza--the owner has aligned himself with the Koch brothers.

--Manning simply spent too much time in Indiana, which is a very conservative, middle American state.

--One has to LAUGH at christians who pretend to challenge evolution with their pseudo-scientific nonsense--and then declare creation to be the truth. There is plenty of evidence in the fossil record of evolution and there will be more and more as time goes on. It is a fact that the earth is something like 2 billion years old, not 5,000 or whatever the bible claims. "God" is the most absurd concept ever conceived. People desperately want to believe--it is comforting to them, and that is fine. But the truth lies in science, not some old book of fiction--and I chuckle at the ever-more desperate attacks on evolution by christians who can't deal with the idea of having their white-is-black worldview overturned. I guess you'll never have a career at NASA.

The only thing science has proven constantly, is that is has been proven wrong on multiple aspects.

Science cannot make any valid points about creation or evolution because creation was a supernatural event. Science is restricted to the natural universe and natural terms. You tried, i'll give you that.

By the way, my uncle works for NASA and is a firm and proud believer. You get a sticker for effort.
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