Christians are not soda machines: They are walking, talking people, many of whom quite obviously like to push their myths on other people. This is why Tebow made a fool of himself putting bible verse in his eye black--that is proselytizing. Christians love to proselytize, I guess because they know they are way out on a limb that is not made of logic. This is what missionaries have been doing for hundreds of years, what Mormons do. This is what the original poster here did--said he wasn't pushing religion but by the act of posting the link, he was. I don't care, but if he's going to push, however subtly, I can respond. Saying prayers in public places, 10 commandments, all of that silliness, is proselytizing.
What is most outrageous and absurd about religion and all this "god" stuff is that it has NO basis in fact--no logic. You are telling people in effect that you believe in a green elephant in the living room--and then many people in society and institutions think it is perfectly WONDERFUL and appropriate to promote the green elephant (or the white beaded old man, if that suits you or whatever) in the living room--and YET, and YET, people who look in the living room and say, "Wow, I hear a lot about this green elephant, but I'm looking and I don't see it." And guess who is thought odd and suspect--the people who don't see the green elephant that quite obviously ISN'T in the living room and quite obviously doesn't exist. Totally absurd. We have to listen to idiots like Pat Robertson tell us that earthquakes are caused by gays. And America is supposed to be a sophisticated society! We're the opposite.
What is also outrageous are Christians who want to cast doubt--in schools!--on evolution and other scientific realities because they put the lie to some of the silly stories in the bible. Creationism is myth; science is fact--and yet Christians try to link the two and pretend that they are the same. They are NOT. I can't wait for an atheist to run for president. America's many religious people will gasp and vote for the other candidate, but eventually our society may mature and we who have logic and reason on our side won't have to be oppressed by this...silliness.
I don't dislike religion or people who believe. But it should be kept in the church. If people want to believe in comforting myths, wonderful--but I can't accept pushing myths on others and the public at large.
The fact that you say that you are "oppressed" is foolish.