Philip Morris Intl. to stop selling cigarettes, recommends wholesale ban

People should never ever start smoking those cancer sticks. I quit 27 years ago.
During the 50s & 60s it was the cool thing to do ..... it was even considered glamorous.
They should ban all smokes to the public until you're at least 55 years old & above. That way it will take a lot longer for cancer & other health problems it causes to put you in your grave.
It's like the British empire ruled so much of the world that when it collapsed they just turned all that ruling capacity onto the home islands. Their final conquest is to conquer themselves apparently.
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People should never ever start smoking those cancer sticks. I quit 27 years ago.
During the 50s & 60s it was the cool thing to do ..... it was even considered glamorous.
They should ban all smokes to the public until you're at least 55 years old & above. That way it will take a lot longer for cancer & other health problems it causes to put you in your grave.
Every time I hear someone say this it reminds me of my grandfather. I remember him during his dementia days sitting in his lounge chair with a cigarette going in the ash tray, another one in his hand and telling us kids, "I quit smoking 20 years ago". We were all laughing our asses off at grandpa.
Every time I hear someone say this it reminds me of my grandfather. I remember him during his dementia days sitting in his lounge chair with a cigarette going in the ash tray, another one in his hand and telling us kids, "I quit smoking 20 years ago". We were all laughing our asses off at grandpa.

He's a good man .... that grandpa .... even though he had his ways about things.
I bet sales in China will increase accordingly. That way, PM gets to virtue signal here while still peddling death there. Sort of like Apple and Nike are all saintly here while building their products with Chinese slave labor.
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People should never ever start smoking those cancer sticks. I quit 27 years ago.
During the 50s & 60s it was the cool thing to do ..... it was even considered glamorous.
They should ban all smokes to the public until you're at least 55 years old & above. That way it will take a lot longer for cancer & other health problems it causes to put you in your grave.
I quit smoking when I was 25 (13 years ago). If some people want to have a cig then that is fine with me. People that smoke cigarettes these days are treated like lepers.
I quit smoking when I was 25 (13 years ago). If some people want to have a cig then that is fine with me. People that smoke cigarettes these days are treated like lepers.

I agree some may feel that way. When I was still smoking .... that's how I felt too.
The manufacturing plant I worked at was thinking of having all tobacco products banned even on the working site & in all areas there.
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People should never ever start smoking those cancer sticks. I quit 27 years ago.
During the 50s & 60s it was the cool thing to do ..... it was even considered glamorous.
They should ban all smokes to the public until you're at least 55 years old & above. That way it will take a lot longer for cancer & other health problems it causes to put you in your grave.

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It's like the British empire ruled so much of the world that when it collapsed they just turned all that ruling capacity onto the home islands. Their final conquest is to conquer themselves apparently.
No different than what the American Empire is doing right now...
Bald con: Youse guys like a smoke?
Doug McKenzie: No, eh? We want our lungs to be pink when they fry us. Hey, we told 'em we didn't want a lawyer. Chimp here probably just kill him anyway.
People should never ever start smoking those cancer sticks. I quit 27 years ago.
During the 50s & 60s it was the cool thing to do ..... it was even considered glamorous.
They should ban all smokes to the public until you're at least 55 years old & above. That way it will take a lot longer for cancer & other health problems it causes to put you in your grave.

Who is “they”? What other freedoms should “they” take from the public?
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Who is “they”? What other freedoms should “they” take from the public?

They = the power of those who are in government that can do so. Those who can regulate your life. I'm not wanting to post any further on this topic but please don't exaggerate more than what I was trying to say here. This is for the health & well being of a person's body. If a person wants to start smoking .... then go right ahead & do so if that's what they want ... you're free to damage & to destroy the only body you have been given. Heaven forbid that I stop you from destruction. That person is free to do so. I'm not trying to take away a person's right to any sort of freedoms they have ... geezus.
Did I say or suggest any other "freedoms" are to be taken away from people .... NO, I don't believe I did. Don't be going to extreme measures here that I didn't imply to be taken overboard. I was speaking from my own experience from smoking cigarettes & the damage it can cause on the human body.
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