Cal is a big game because its a statement game saying closure is here last year is dead...the Orange is back. But we have to beat florida to set the tone for the season....we win this game and the momentumn will carry us thru the road game at Georgia...we get that far undefeated and LSU starts sweatin.....(Lexvol @ Aug 9 said:I will go with the SEC opener against Fla.
If you actually watched college football, you would have seen the team you are shilling for lose to Oregon State and struggle mightily with a mediocre BYU team in the Las Vegas Bowl. I love when everybody jumps on the trendy team in an attempt to look smart. It always just turns out to be further evidence in support of my theory about the general public. For example, I would love for someone to find the UGA-Boise State prediction threads from this time last year. All who picked Boise State should be held accountable.(Chattownsfinest @ Aug 9 said:I'm sure if you actually watched some college football you wouldn't make such an absurd comment. I have Cal dethroning USC and winning the PAC-10 this year. I think they are the best team on our schedule and if not they are easily top 3 with Florida and LSU.
(hatvol96 @ Aug 9 said:If you actually watched college football, you would have seen the team you are shilling for lose to Oregon State and struggle mightily with a mediocre BYU team in the Las Vegas Bowl. I love when everybody jumps on the trendy team in an attempt to look smart. It always just turns out to be further evidence in support of my theory about the general public. For example, I would love for someone to find the UGA-Boise State prediction threads from this time last year. All who picked Boise State should be held accountable.
(hatvol96 @ Aug 8 said:Cal. They're wildly overrated. We play at least 5 teams I think are as good or better than they are. If you can't beat them, it's going to be a long season.
(NDShane @ Aug 9 said:I agree, if TN can't beat Cal, it could get ugly, likewise with ND, if we don't beat GT the first game we're screwed.
(VolinArizona @ Aug 9 said:How cute! A *FAN* is only taking it a game at a time.![]()
(utfantilidie @ Aug 8 said:I hope we beat the UGA Bulldogs this year.My neighbors are UGA grads and it makes for a long season when we lose to the Freakin UGA Bulldogs! I wanna hold my head up high again!:banghead:
(hohenfelsvol @ Aug 9 said:If we taking it a game at a time then why are we talking about Florida or UGA. We should only be talking about Cal. My point is they are all must wins. This is a mind set and as Cut put in his video, "Make a statement". You totally missed the point.
(hohenfelsvol @ Aug 9 said:Sorry. Sarcasm is hard to read in chat rooms and I have never been good at icons. :blush2:
Hey LG, is the Florida campus as a whole, still under martial law ( you know, since the gun (real gun) incident?(lawgator1 @ Aug 9 said:I think its a combo of Memphis and Marshall. If you lose to one of them, Fulmer is out. If you lose to both of them, the administration might disband the entire athletic program.
(allvol123 @ Aug 9 said:Can't believe how many people are picking Cal as the must win game. The odds of UT winning a NC this year are extremely low, thus this game really does not have that much impact.
I do consider a SEC title a legitimate goal and thus will go with the SEC opener, Florida.
(VolunteerHillbilly @ Aug 9 said:So beating a ranked opponent at home in the season opener a year after 5-6 with a measurable percentage of the fan base wanting the head coach replaced is not important? If UT cannot beat Cal then they cannot beat UF or LSU and probably will not be good enough to beat UGA depending on what kind of QB play the Dawgs get. Beating Cal is critical to restoring the Vols' swagger. Do you really believe that the team that wins the SEC Championship this year will not be good enough to beat #2 or 3 in the PAC10?
(VolunteerHillbilly @ Aug 9 said:So beating a ranked opponent at home in the season opener a year after 5-6 with a measurable percentage of the fan base wanting the head coach replaced is not important? If UT cannot beat Cal then they cannot beat UF or LSU and probably will not be good enough to beat UGA depending on what kind of QB play the Dawgs get. Beating Cal is critical to restoring the Vols' swagger. Do you really believe that the team that wins the SEC Championship this year will not be good enough to beat #2 or 3 in the PAC10?