Pick The Vols & Gators Score and Win!

This site is for BIG ORANGE FANS! You are showing your true gator colors this week. Congrats. My ex-wife is a gator, my 3 kids are Vols. Nuff said.

Disclaimer! Anything I may post this week should be taken with a grain of salt. Unless you sit in the student section at gator games, you get the benefit of the doubt!:)

I take nothing posted here by anyone very seriously. Trust me, I have seen and been called so much worse for real money that no one on here is going to irritate me to any significant degree by talking smack about a football game.
I take nothing posted here by anyone very seriously. Trust me, I have seen and been called so much worse for real money that no one on here is going to irritate me to any significant degree by talking smack about a football game.
You gonna take the challange, LG?
come on, I have to do all your reading...geez... it has been posted twice on this thread... scroll up.

No more excuses.. yes or no.. are you man enough??
John, you have Ainge at 214, I have him at 112. That's a little unfair because I get 0 to 153, and you get 153 and above. Tell you what, though. If you give me 185 and below, you're on. Loser has to change his Avatar to whatever winner wants for a month (pending Volfreak approval, of course).
John, you have Ainge at 214, I have him at 112. That's a little unfair because I get 0 to 153, and you get 153 and above. Tell you what, though. If you give me 185 and below, you're on. Loser has to change his Avatar to whatever winner wants for a month (pending Volfreak approval, of course).
So even you know your 112 yrds is BS. Backing off are you...


Any resemblance of credibility you may have once had is gone!!
I'm not getting arrogant. Confident in our chances, yes. But not arrogant. Maybe a little defensive, too. I mean reading on here over and over that Ainge will pass for more than 300 yards, that the Vols will gain over 500, that Leak is terrible, that Meyer is a lousy coach, etc., kind of makes one wonder whether this is just a rah rah site or the place i thought it was for excited yet meausred fans.

Leak may not be "terrible," but he definitely isn't the quarterback that gator fans want to think he is. And Meyer is a boy in a man's world ... we will see how he does. Maybe not as bad as Zook, but he is not the second-coming of Spurrier. Not even close.
Ok, you get 214 and above. You are on.
So at 213, I am 99.5% accurate and you would be 52.5% accurate, and yet you would call that a win -- ONLY A FL FAN, well mabye a BAMMER!!

I want you to stand by YOUR pick.. something you refuse to do.

Whoever's original Pick is closer wins. My point is, even You know 112 is rediculous, and you just post a bunch of BS!!

So are you gonna stand by YOUR pick, I am not asking anything that I am not prepared to do.
Pick the score of the game between the Gators and the Vols and win a $25 Amazon gift card or a VolNation t-shirt.


The winner will be determined by subtracting the actual score of each team from the predicted score of each team. If the actual score is Vols 76 and Gators 3 and you picked Vols 70 Gators 7, your score would be (76-70) + (7-3) = 10. The smallest score wins.

You DO have to have the winner correct in order to win.

The tiebreaker will be total passing yards by Erik Ainge.

Only scores in this thread will count toward the contest.

Please post any questions in this thread.

UT 34, Fl 28

Ainge passing for 320 yards.

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