Do you think he does that because he misses it or because he still wants to be a part of this team? I hope he comes back.
#throwback morning sounds like he's committed it to the past to me. That's sad if that's really what has happened. He was fun to watch. Hope I am entirely wrong and he will be back soon
Ok, found this.... I posted on 3/5 after hearing Ainge on TSR....
"Ainge just said Pig's situation is like Eric Gordon part two and that he does not expect pig to be back as a football player. That going forward now the slot position is all about Von Pearson"
That being said, still think I read Hubbs saying the same thing. I'll keep looking.
its not weed, its not academics (although not sure he is keeping up now), its not team rules and it is a personal issue..
I know people would like to know the specifics but not something anyone would want discussed publicly if it was you.
Not looking good. Hubs wrote today
"Nothing new. He is finishing up the semester. He returned several days late from spring break and some weren't sure if he was going to return this semester, but he did.
I would be surprised if he returns to the team."