Pipe Bombs planted, part of Jan6 obvious setup.

Strange that none of the libs here that allegedly think the 150 or so unarmed "insurrectionists" were somehow "attempting to overthrow our government" will even acknowledge the actual topic of the thread. They stick their fingers in both ears and scream like 4 year olds refusing to listen to reason. There are 2 clear topics named in both the thread title and the OP that are elephants in the room whether they choose to ignore them or not:

1. There were bombs placed in Washington DC that clearly were not placed by Trump supporters...or the FBI and Dimwits would have never covered their existence up since their agendas regarding Jan6 are 100% against the crowd at the Capitol AND Trump.

2. The DC Chief of Police and the officers stuck down there knew they had been SET UP by the Dimwit leadership as soon as they were forcefully and intentionally DENIED any backup, reinforcement or aid from every federal force and even the National Guard unit stationed locally and at the ready on jan6. The local commanding officers and the men on duty were ready and willing to come reinforce the DC cops but were ordered to "stand down" by the leadership up the chain of command, much to their frustration and anger. The DC Chief put out the distress call immediately, but the 1st help to show up at the Capitol in DC was the New Jersey Highway Patrol....over 2 hours later. The National Guard troops IN TOWN and federal forces at the local level could have arrived within mere minutes. They were actually in DC and at the ready. They were just ordered not to inervene against their wishes and protests. This was a setup. There were at least 200 plain clothes FBI agents PRETENDING to be rioters!! What 1500 people were arrested for jan6 ? So probably 10% of the actual crowd that broke the law or entered the Capitol were FBI agents?? Plus all of the cops that can be seen in the TINY % OF ACTUAL VIDEO that the Dimwits WILL RELEASE from the many cameras inside the building? Seriously?

The testimony from the Chief of DC police, other officers, etc is all on youtube . Be careful though. Because ":Tucker is icky!" Strawmen don't change the facts though.
The topic of the thread is tin foil hat, Qanon dumb.
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The topic of the thread is tin foil hat, Qanon dumb.

The old CIA method huh? Label something "conspiracy theory " or "tin foil hat" etc to mock the idea/person... rather than attempting to dispute the evidence, acknowledge the testimony of the professionals on the scene or accept the facts of the events in question.

How totally unexpected by someone defending the government involved.
you are always free to tag me.

and you have still yet to explain how me saying to "Charge them" is "excusing them".

I don't think I have even argued that ANY of the 1600+ criminal cases should be considered innocent. I will give you two months to dig up that post though. I am just not charging ~800 trespassers with a crime that could give them the death penalty; and because I won't jump that shark you are assuming I am want every single person involved cleared of any wrongdoings despite clear posting otherwise.
“Still yet to explain” something that was first said in my very last post? You think I’m here to explain this to your satisfaction? This is what it looks like when someone gets caught lying about their post history and has absolutely no response. 🤡

But this is entertaining, so here’s one where you said that the violence wasn’t “real violence” except for your 4 or 5 people:
and as I clarified the 4/5 is what I am considering real violence. I don't consider pushing a cop real violence that counts towards a "coup".
Here’s one where you went with “both sides” because the police used force to keep people away from the legislature while they were being evacuated:
the violence wasn't just with against the cops with their backs against a literal wall. There are plenty of videos of violence from both sides in the open areas in front of the Capitol. Don't pretend these cops were in a do or die situation as a thin blue line between the mob and the downfall of this nation.

The downfall didn't happen, even with people claiming the cops gave up and peacefully let people into the Capitol.

That’ll do for “excuse” for anybody with more than half a functioning brain.

What you actually said was that you had never “whitewashed the violence.”

I don’t know what point you think you’re making by focusing on “charge them.” That has nothing to do with whitewashing because it doesn’t conflict with your claim that there were only 4-5 who were guilty of violence.

There had already been 70+ people convicted of violence when we had that discussion. The majority of those who have been charged now had been charged as of 6 months ago. You were or should have been aware of all that.

You yourself went to the trouble of finding and posting a report that cited over 120 instances of assault and claimed that you were the only one addressing “the source material.”

You claimed to be or were made aware of a single video that showed more than 4 or 5 people assaulting a single police officer.

Having that information and claiming that only 4 or 5, or even 8-10 as you eventually conceded, were guilty of violence is whitewashing by any reasonable use of the word.

So we’ve got whitewashing and we’ve got excusing. Want to try to move the goalposts again? Maybe try something plausible like “I never said the protestors were astronauts.”
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The old CIA method huh? Label something "conspiracy theory " or "tin foil hat" etc to mock the idea/person... rather than attempting to dispute the evidence, acknowledge the testimony of the professionals on the scene or accept the facts of the events in question.

How totally unexpected by someone defending the government involved.

The biggest question is how you're going to set up your internet access from rural Idaho when you inevitably go off grid, start your militia and start writing manifestos.
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I love how that negates everything else.

Now just for transparency, I haven't watched the posted video so I don't know if it's BS or not but it does seem like you want to dismiss any actions by the feds because of actions by a few rioters.
If we were talking about people on the Left doing things, then it would’ve been ‘mostly peaceful’ 😂… and you know some goobers tried to look like Trump supporters and acted the fool.. which would be the equivalent of me dying my hair fifty different unnatural colors and breaking out my old Doc Marten’s from the 90s and acting the donkey at some Leftist event 😂
All I've learned from this thread is that there are actual idiots bumbling around that believe the US Government = the United States.

It's not? Can one exist without the other? Is the U.S. not a federal republic at its core? Is the U.S. anything more or less than a group of States bound by a common adherence to laws, Constitutional Rights held together by a concordant central government?

I'd say the bumbling idiots are the ones unable able to recognize that interfering with the peaceful transfer of power is a threat against a pillar of what makes the united states a viable republic.
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You say political enemies, I say enemies of the United States.

And you sound incredibly ridiculous in doing so since your take is that it is now anti American to protest. In fact, with that stance it is you if anyone that is an enemy of the United States. You nut jobs that think a bunch of protesters and some rioters thought that they were actually going to go unarmed and manage to overturn an election and overthrow the government are literally the dumbest humans in the history of civilization.
“Still yet to explain” something that was first said in my very last post? You think I’m here to explain this to your satisfaction? This is what it looks like when someone gets caught lying about their post history and has absolutely no response. 🤡

But this is entertaining, so here’s one where you said that the violence wasn’t “real violence” except for your 4 or 5 people:

Here’s one where you went with “both sides” because the police used force to keep people away from the legislature while they were being evacuated:

That’ll do for “excuse” for anybody with more than half a functioning brain.

What you actually said was that you had never “whitewashed the violence.”

I don’t know what point you think you’re making by focusing on “charge them.” That has nothing to do with whitewashing because it doesn’t conflict with your claim that there were only 4-5 who were guilty of violence.

There had already been 70+ people convicted of violence when we had that discussion. The majority of those who have been charged now had been charged as of 6 months ago. You were or should have been aware of all that.

You yourself went to the trouble of finding and posting a report that cited over 120 instances of assault and claimed that you were the only one addressing “the source material.”

You claimed to be or were made aware of a single video that showed more than 4 or 5 people assaulting a single police officer.

Having that information and claiming that only 4 or 5, or even 8-10 as you eventually conceded, were guilty of violence is whitewashing by any reasonable use of the word.

So we’ve got whitewashing and we’ve got excusing. Want to try to move the goalposts again? Maybe try something plausible like “I never said the protestors were astronauts.”
There are two separate issues here you are trying to conflate as if it was a continuation of the same conversation to make things worse than they are. The "excusing" from months ago, and then me "whitewashing" all the people worthy of the death penalty recently.

the whitewashing was tied to Septic wanting these people to get the death penalty. you really think there were 120-161 cases of violence that day that deserved the death penalty for their violence? I certainly don't, and neither do the prosecutors which tends to give my side of the argument some very compelling legal precedence established in multiple court cases. meanwhile septic has squat but an authoritarian mindset.

The "excusing" was your words to discount our argument on what counts as violence. shoving a cop is different than a mob of people beating a lone cop on the ground. I have no problem with charging either, and said as much, but you want to act like every single act of violence the mob vs a single cop. I have still yet to see you post anything from my posting history excusing any of them to not have charges or claiming they were innocent or had any type of real excuse. that was simply a word you used because you still don't want to acknowledge that every single case wasn't as bas as the worst. instead you just cherry pick the eff out of my statements and act like its the only thing I said.

the common theme between the two that both you and septic have still yet to address is I am pointing out the various levels. You both want to lump every single person there, or at least every single person charged, with the worst possible crime, up to and including charges that could invoke the death penalty. Heck Septic acknowledged it for one post but then grew a back bone and was back to wanting to shoot everyone just to make a statement regardless of the actual charges against these people.
And you sound incredibly ridiculous in doing so since your take is that it is now anti American to protest. In fact, with that stance it is you if anyone that is an enemy of the United States. You nut jobs that think a bunch of protesters and some rioters thought that they were actually going to go unarmed and manage to overturn an election and overthrow the government are literally the dumbest humans in the history of civilization.
Who said it was anti American to protest?

It may have started as a protest, but it ended as a riot with the end goal to physically stop the certification of an election.

If you're going to weigh in, don't try and misrepresent the riot as a protected protest.
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There are two separate issues here you are trying to conflate as if it was a continuation of the same conversation to make things worse than they are. The "excusing" from months ago, and then me "whitewashing" all the people worthy of the death penalty recently.

the whitewashing was tied to Septic wanting these people to get the death penalty. you really think there were 120-161 cases of violence that day that deserved the death penalty for their violence? I certainly don't, and neither do the prosecutors which tends to give my side of the argument some very compelling legal precedence established in multiple court cases. meanwhile septic has squat but an authoritarian mindset.

The "excusing" was your words to discount our argument on what counts as violence. shoving a cop is different than a mob of people beating a lone cop on the ground. I have no problem with charging either, and said as much, but you want to act like every single act of violence the mob vs a single cop. I have still yet to see you post anything from my posting history excusing any of them to not have charges or claiming they were innocent or had any type of real excuse. that was simply a word you used because you still don't want to acknowledge that every single case wasn't as bas as the worst. instead you just cherry pick the eff out of my statements and act like its the only thing I said.

the common theme between the two that both you and septic have still yet to address is I am pointing out the various levels. You both want to lump every single person there, or at least every single person charged, with the worst possible crime, up to and including charges that could invoke the death penalty. Heck Septic acknowledged it for one post but then grew a back bone and was back to wanting to shoot everyone just to make a statement regardless of the actual charges against these people.

No one is lumping everyone together but you. We've always said that the lurkers shouldn't be prosecuted. But their level of involvement has no bearing on WHAT the rioters were trying to acomplish.

You keep shoehorning the lurkers into the conversation to try and dilute our point, doing so is another example of you attempting to whitewash the events of the day.
And you sound incredibly ridiculous in doing so since your take is that it is now anti American to protest. In fact, with that stance it is you if anyone that is an enemy of the United States. You nut jobs that think a bunch of protesters and some rioters thought that they were actually going to go unarmed and manage to overturn an election and overthrow the government are literally the dumbest humans in the history of civilization.

Nobody said they were going overthrow the government. That's what the gangster and his GOP seditionists were trying to do with their fake elector schemes in three or so states. The rednecks who attacked the Capitol were just attacking the Capitol in support of the gangster's lies--and of course a great many are in jail now for their stupidity, and five or six police officers are dead.
Who said it was anti American to protest?

It may have started as a protest, but it ended as a riot with the end goal to physically stop the certification of an election.

If you're going to weigh in, don't try and misrepresent the riot as a protected protest.

I didn’t misrepresent anything, that’s apparently your forte on this subject. It was a protest and yes, it turned into a riot in a few and certain points which I have acknowledged, charge those few appropriately, but nobody with more than one functioning brain cell would try to sell that the “end goal” of a few of the idiots that crossed the line from protest to riot armed with (gasp) ... cell phones was to “physically overturn an election and overthrow the government.” Not even the overwhelming majority of my Democrat friends believe that, the very notion of even entertaining the idea that a bunch of unarmed, carried away fools should be shot for insurrection is beyond idiotic. You are certainly entitled to your opinion on the matter, but if you don’t want one to “weigh in” don’t post your opinion as gospel when it’s anything but that. Keep it in the ballpark.
Nobody said they were going overthrow the government. That's what the gangster and his GOP seditionists were trying to do with their fake elector schemes in three or so states. The rednecks who attacked the Capitol were just attacking the Capitol in support of the gangster's lies--and of course a great many are in jail now for their stupidity, and five or six police officers are dead.
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His trolling ass. It’s all he ever has and it’s abundant.
The medical examiner only linked one police death to the incident, and even then said it was only a contributing factor because the dude had a bunch of strokes well afterward.

These people are literally insane.

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