Take the top four ranked teams after the bowls. I can't think of a single year where that wouldn't have been sufficient. Most years, simply playing 1 v. 2 after the bowls would suffice.
that would work for me....
Six conference champions. The six conferences decided by a BCS-style conference ranking sytem. That leaves two at-large spots. One decided by the top ranked BCS team that is left. The last decided by a selection comittee similar to the one that seeds the NCAA basketball tournament.
Go back the eleven-gmae regular season. All conferences go to a conference championship game.
If you're not in a conference, you are not eligible for the playoff.
Great system, if I do say so myself.
only 6 conf. champions? as a staunch SEC guy, even i can say "no fair" to the other D 1 conferences....if you are going to do it by conf. champs, do all of them, and i agree about conf. champions all deciding their champs the same way...that would have to be done before any playoff of that nature would be "fair".
Use the playoff system being used in Div II and Div III, or shorten it to 16 teams.
College football is the only major sport in any organization where the champion is not decided on the field by a playoff system.
but on the other side of the coint, college football has, hands down, the most important regular season in all of sports, on any level.
I posted this in another thread but it goes here also....
Why does everyone who supports the BCS say that a playoff system would devalue the regular season?? You have to win to get in....Does it devalue the regular season in Div 1-AA, II, and III? What about other sports? Are you seriously going to stop watching regular season games because there is a playoff? I think not!
because it would. and i would still watch.
it's real simple. we already have a playoff, in a sense.
the reason it devalues the regular seaosn is each team that has a legit shot, has games thruout the regular season that can make or break their chance at a NT shot.
take us and Florida this year. Florida beat us, therefore we are behind the 8 ball. We had our shot, and didn't get it done. If there was a playoff, and given our current position in the BCS, we can then reaosn that losing to Florida wasn't that big of a deal cause we're still in good shape to get in to the playoffs....total crap imo. Flip it, and ask yourself how you'd feel if we had beaten Florida? what had it really gained you? they still get in to the playoff, and so do you...so what's the big deal? especially if they win the play off and NT...after we won the SEC, hypothetically.
How important then was that regular season game?
It would devalue the regular season....lose and you still have a chance in the playoffs....bah, humbug i say.