Please get off "the couch".



Momma said knock you out
Aug 27, 2009
I see a lot of post and threads on here condemning Mo Couch for allegedly taking money from an agent. Telling him to pack his bags, transfer, and so on and so forth. Well first of all, we should probably let this thing play out before we stone the young man. Coach Jones has "benched him" for the time being which is a very smart move for what we know, but let's reserve judgment on the man's character till after we know a little more. Secondly, if anyone seriously feels that Mo is the only one on an 85 man roster taking cash, you're living in a fantasy land. Every legit team in America has players on it taking cash from someone. College football is as corrupt an organization as any around, and if you don't believe that, quit living in fantasy land. I don't ever kill a university or player when they get caught doing something under the table like this, because just like in Nascar, if you ain't cheatin, you ain't tryin. Universities that play completely by the rules, if there are any, are the ones winning 3 games a year. Coaches who play by the rules, if there are any, are standing in an unemployment line 3 years later because it's a corrupt landscape where you have to cheat to win, and winners just have a knack for not getting caught (Calipari, Saban, Meyer). Thirdly, getting back to "the couch" and off of my high horse, I would hate to be in a situation as so many college football players are, where you have no money, can't take any money, but there are people on every corner wanting to give you a 100 dollar hand shake. Think about what you would do before you set "the couch" on fire. GO VOLS!!
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If I understand this correctly he agreed to take a Western Union and sign for the money. I won't judge the morals of these deals but I question the intelligence.
I see a lot of post and threads on here condemning Mo Couch for allegedly taking money from an agent. Telling him to pack his bags, transfer, and so on and so forth. Well first of all, we should probably let this thing play out before we stone the young man. Coach Jones has "benched him" for the time being which is a very smart move for what we know, but let's reserve judgment on the man's character till after we know a little more. Secondly, if anyone seriously feels that Mo is the only one on an 85 man roster taking cash, you're living in a fantasy land. Every legit team in America has players on it taking cash from someone. College football is as corrupt an organization as any around, and if you don't believe that, quit living in fantasy land. I don't ever kill a university or player when they get caught doing something under the table like this, because just like in Nascar, if you ain't cheatin, you ain't tryin. Universities that play completely by the rules, if there are any, are the ones winning 3 games a year. Coaches who play by the rules, if there are any, are standing in an unemployment line 3 years later because it's a corrupt landscape where you have to cheat to win, and winners just have a knack for not getting caught (Calipari, Saban, Meyer). Thirdly, getting back to "the couch" and off of my high horse, I would hate to be in a situation as so many college football players are, where you have no money, can't take any money, but there are people on every corner wanting to give you a 100 dollar hand shake. Think about what you would do before you set "the couch" on fire. GO VOLS!!

I'd love to be in the situation of these college football players.

(1) Free room & board! While students with out athletic skills have to have their parents pay for it.

(2) Three free meals per day! While other pay.

(3) Free books! While other pay.

(4) Free tutors! While others would have to pay for it.

(5) Free medical! While other students have to pay for it.

(6) Graduate from college with no debt. While other students have decades of student loan payments.

(7) From late August until early January, you are interviewing for your job, in from of NFL scouts. While others have to enter the "Obama" job market and may not even have a prospect of a job once they graduate.

I, in no way, shape, form or fashion feel any sympathy for any of these student/athletes.
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I'd love to be in the situation of these college football players.

(1) Free room & board! While students with out athletic skills have to have their parents pay for it.

(2) Three free meals per day! While other pay.

(3) Free books! While other pay.

(4) Free tutors! While others would have to pay for it.

(5) Free medical! While other students have to pay for it.

(6) Graduate from college with no debt. While other students have decades of student loan payments.

(7) From late August until early January, you are interviewing for your job, in from of NFL scouts. While others have to enter the "Obama" job market and may not even have a prospect of a job once they graduate.

I, in no way, shape, form or fashion feel any sympathy for any of these student/athletes.

(8) Bust you're tail for a "non profit organization" that makes millions of dollars off of you and your likeness and gives you nothing monetary in return, and also prohibits you from making anything monetary in return, while you watch the kid on an academic scholarship majoring in journalism make money off of his own name writing blogs?
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Y'all don't know why he took the money. Back off him unless you know all the details of the situation. Mo Couch is a good guy and a VFL who's busted his ass at UT for 3 years while trying to earn a degree and support his wife and young child. I think he'll finish his Sr year at UT and I hope he tears it up if he does.
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I'm not going to bash him but I'm not going to cry him a river either; he knows the rules (or at least should).

He made a mistake, he's seemingly paying for it (no pun intended) but that doesn't make him a horrible person.
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I'd love to be in the situation of these college football players.

(1) Free room & board! While students with out athletic skills have to have their parents pay for it.

(2) Three free meals per day! While other pay.

(3) Free books! While other pay.

(4) Free tutors! While others would have to pay for it.

(5) Free medical! While other students have to pay for it.

(6) Graduate from college with no debt. While other students have decades of student loan payments.

(7) From late August until early January, you are interviewing for your job, in from of NFL scouts. While others have to enter the "Obama" job market and may not even have a prospect of a job once they graduate.

I, in no way, shape, form or fashion feel any sympathy for any of these student/athletes.

Go take a class load, practice/play 20 hrs a week, spend extra time in the weight room and study and then I'll listen.
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Walk a mile in his shoes before you judge him. Way too many people flexing their moral superiority without knowing anything of the situation. How quickly we judge, but I bet most of us would do whatever we could to feed our hungry child or ensure the welfare of our family. Unless I missed it, noone knows if, much less why, he accepted the money.
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(8) Bust you're tail for a "non profit organization" that makes millions of dollars off of you and your likeness and gives you nothing monetary in return, and also prohibits you from making anything monetary in return, while you watch the kid on an academic scholarship majoring in journalism make money off of his own name writing blogs?

An in-state UT athlete is compensated almost $100,000 of basic room/board over a 4-year stretch. This isn't including the value of all of the extras that the proletariat students can only dream of. This "nothing monetary in return" argument is not honest.

You're getting a college degree for free and the ability to be way ahead of your rank-file peers as you have no debt to saddle you down.

And to address GA Vol's question... these guys are given plenty of resources to keep their grades up and most don't exactly take challenging undergrad majors.

There are guys, however, that major in Mech Engineering and my respect goes out to them but, again, they're getting that powerful degree for free. No debt. I know guys that worked full-time while maintaining a full college load. Not everyone gets mom/dad to pay for their education/housing/food/car/gas/etc.
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An in-state UT athlete is compensated almost $100,000 of basic room/board over a 4-year stretch. This isn't including the value of all of the extras that the proletariat students can only dream of. This "nothing monetary in return" argument is not honest.

You're getting a college degree for free and the ability to be way ahead of your rank-file peers as you have no debt to saddle you down.

And to address GA Vol's question... these guys are given plenty of resources to keep their grades up and most don't exactly take challenging undergrad majors.

There are guys, however, that major in Mech Engineering and my respect goes out to them but, and, they're getting that powerful degree for free. No debt. I know guys that worked full-time while maintaining a full college load. Not everyone gets mom/dad to pay for their education/housing/food/car/gas/etc.

I get your argument, but a lot of these guys have more to worry about besides making good grades and going to class. Some of them have children to support. Now I'm not going to get on the issue of whether you should have kids or not being a collegiate athlete, but what's done is done, and last I checked, "free room and board" doesn't buy diapers and formula. Just a thought.
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There are guys, however, that major in Mech Engineering and my respect goes out to them but, again, they're getting that powerful degree for free. No debt. I know guys that worked full-time while maintaining a full college load. Not everyone gets mom/dad to pay for their education/housing/food/car/gas/etc.

I'm sure there are players that would work a job if possible. Problem is that their time and employment is restricted.
I get your argument, but a lot of these guys have more to worry about besides making good grades and going to class. Some of them have children to support. Now I'm not going to get on the issue of whether you should have kids or not being a collegiate athlete, but what's done is done, and last I checked, "free room and board" doesn't buy diapers and formula. Just a thought.

Probably should be working a job instead...You are basically saying its ok for someone not to be responsible..:good!:
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When you seat 102k fans it is no longer about just morals or higher education. Championship programs run on cash, lump it or leave it.
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I get your argument, but a lot of these guys have more to worry about besides making good grades and going to class. Some of them have children to support. Now I'm not going to get on the issue of whether you should have kids or not being a collegiate athlete, but what's done is done, and last I checked, "free room and board" doesn't buy diapers and formula. Just a thought.

There are definitely people out there whose dreams of going to college have been crushed by having a kid to support.

Yet, he's going to college.

For free.

And additionally has the chance to apply himself and graduate with a degree as well as the chance to make millions as a professional athlete.

Whereas an unathletically gifted person would be just another low-wager laborer.

Advantage? Athlete.
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Probably should be working a job instead...You are basically saying its ok for someone not to be responsible..:good!:

Alright here's your two options. You quit football that could make you millions of dollars to bag groceries and feed your kid, or you continue to play, working towards the NFL and millions of dollars, and take a couple hundred dollars on the side to feed your kid.

The responsible person wouldn't have had a kid in this situation, but with the deed being done, and those 2 options on the table, I know which one everyone would take, and if you say otherwise, you're lying.
There are definitely people out there whose dreams of going to college have been crushed by having a kid to support.

Yet, he's going to college.

For free.

And additionally has the chance to apply himself and graduate with a degree as well as the chance to make millions as a professional athlete.

Whereas an unathletically gifted person would be just another low-wager laborer.

But agents and boosters are offering these guys a way out by giving them money, and these players are doing what any of us would do also.
But agents and boosters are offering these guys a way out by giving them money, and these players are doing what any of us would do also.

Exactly . . . People forget that a lot of these players come from poor backgrounds and while they're on scholarship, they still have out of pocket expenses.
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Go take a class load, practice/play 20 hrs a week, spend extra time in the weight room and study and then I'll listen.

This is a bad argument. The majority of college students have a part time job without a full scholarship and they don't make nearly as much as college football players do each year.
Alright here's your two options. You quit football that could make you millions of dollars to bag groceries and feed your kid, or you continue to play, working towards the NFL and millions of dollars, and take a couple hundred dollars on the side to feed your kid.

The responsible person wouldn't have had a kid in this situation, but with the deed being done, and those 2 options on the table, I know which one everyone would take, and if you say otherwise, you're lying.

Maybe, but the rules are pretty clear too. It's a risk, and yes maybe most would take it, but he still got caught.

Again he shouldn't be bashed, but I'm not going to feel too sorry for him either.
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